Bringing Home a Rescue Dog (6 Rescue Dog Tips for your First Week Home) //THE KIND CANINE

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Ever thought about bringing home a rescue dog? Here are 6 rescue dog tips that you can do in your first week home to set your dog up for success, right from the very start.

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Do you recently get a rescue dog? Tell me about them!


Ok so I just adopted a old dog and he’s acting like he’s lived here forever 😂 so I’m just kinda rolling with it


I adopted a 3 year old dog who had 3 previous owners plus the kennel stays in between. He was highly anxious and reactive at first, and most of the people i knew told me to return him to the shelter. But I paid for a dog trainer and she was amazing. She told me honestly that it could take between 6 and 12 months before he started showing his true potential, but she also saw how much he was willing to work with me. 15 months later, nearly EVERYONE who knew him before comments about his gentle nature and how obedient he is now. It wasn't easy getting to this point but I believe it was really strict boundaries (consistency, not punishment), and tonnes and tonnes of positive reinforcement that got us where we are now :)


My new baby..came in looked around.
Ate drank water..took a walk..then jumped up on the bed and took a long nap.


I love there was no annoying background music and she doesn’t smack her lips either after every sentence like most youtubers. Thank you for that ma’am!!
I learned a lot and her dogs are lucky to have her!!


Just got my teacup chihuahua 2 days ago, she is so sweet and loving. I was over a friends family members house and she had a lot of dogs and the Chihuahua was in the cage literally laying in her own feces that obviously has been in that cage for weeks due to how dried up it was, it was so sad I offered to pay her $50 to take the dog home and she let me, so now I want you to try to figure out how to properly care for her and give her all the love she needs


Adopting a rescue dog can be really challenging but it's also very rewarding.
My mixed breed Yorki is 8 years old and he was never trained and socialized. It took me 5 weeks to make him understand that the living room is not the place to release himself. During the first 2 weeks we went outside every 2 hours. A few times I had to get up at 3 am and take him out (minus 17 degrees)! Patience and a lot of positive reinforcement was neccessary to overcome this behavior. 14 months have passed and he has settled in. It takes time to integrate a traumatized rescue dog in the family.


I liked the idea of having mini treat jars around the house for when we see good behavior to reward. Great tip!!


Can you do a video talking about adopting a dog that was rescued from a hoarding situation? I very recently got a little guy who was recently rescued from a house hoarding situation of 150+ dogs. I’d appreciate tips on how to teach him to play w/ toys, how to open up to affection, and how to learn to and be comfortable walking outside. He always hides/lays in his bed.


THIS IS TOTALLY HELPFUL! I just adopted my first rescue dog four months ago, a SUPER HIGH ENERGY 1-year-old Lab/Staffordshire terrier. I am age 71 and my husband is age 76 and while we have trained Labs before this is a totally new situation. I have never had such a vocal dog before so it took me a while to understand what she was telling me. I began with basic commands; sit, stay, come, no, wait, leave it etc. Ginger is very smart but also came highly stressed as she had never lived out of the crate her first year, had never been in a car, on a lead, up the stairs etc. I have spent the first four months acclimating her to our busy dog friendly condo, the bike trail where runners, dog walkers, bikes, scooters and more. Our challenges now is barking at our neighbors as they come and go on the common hallway and barking and growling at other dogs. I have a trainer coming next week to assist me with those skills.


I just adopted a homeless Border Collie mix puppy and I’m going through of it! My last best friend of ten years passed away almost two years ago and I think I’m ready! A little nervous but he’s learning that truck rides mean “fun adventures “!


I feel very lucky to have adopted a puppy who had experience in foster homes. Aside from a 3 week stay at the vet, she split the last 4 months in two different foster homes. She's seemed to transition to life with me, my boyfriend, and our other dog very smoothly. It's day 6 today, and she is settling in and more of her personality is coming out, but she hasn't been nervous or a troublemaker at all!


Great video, I wish I knew these things before we got our senior rescue 1 1/2 years ago. We grew to love him, and he us. Sadly, we lost him to illness last month. We are heartbroken, but we know we gave him a wonderful year and a half. And he gave us even more.


Thank you so much for this😊 I just got a 2 year old rescue dog from egypt yesterday.

He has been on a long plane ride to Denmark and arrived 2 days ago.

He got all his health checks, vaccinations and blood work when he arrived.
He was teased as a pup by a group of kids and got removed from that home when he was an older pup.

After that he lived in an apartment/balcony with 19 other dogs.
So far he has been such a good boy and hasn’t had any accidents inside.
He is nervous and has small periods during the day where he is shaking🥺
He is very curious tho and loves to follow my every move.
He is a bit nervous when I pet him.
But I see progress.
I try to give him his space.
He naps infront of me and gets spoiled rotten with treats toys and praise everytime he does good things.
I really hope he will soon start to see that being here is not so bad after all☺️


i recently started working at a shelter and i can’t wait to be able to share your tips and info with adopters because it seems a lot of the time people get the wrong ideas about adoption & expect the dogs to be “happy” right away. the shelter, although we do our best, is a high-stress and scary environment. your advice is priceless and i seriously appreciate your videos! thank you for doing what you do ❤️


My rescue dog comes tomorrow, I'm mostly concerned about the interaction with the cat. We did put up a baby gate so the cat can be upstairs to eat and relax there. The dog will stay in one room for the first week or weeks, she already is crate trained. I'm glad I found this video


I found your video really helpful, thank you, I have just this week rescued an old Border Collie, she was beaten and tied up by the neck with a chain and left in an empty house, she has lost her teeth one side from chewing the chain, she was starved, thankfully she was found by someone who heard her crying, for all this she is so trusting of me, breaks my heart, this is a brilliant informative video to help myself and my new addition to the family.


This video was very helpful in preparing for taking home my rescue dog.


This video was fantastic. I’m bringing my adopted puggle home in a couple weeks :)


Been researching all night and this is the most helpful video I’ve seen about adopting rescue dogs. Definitely subscribing. Keep up the good work!
