Elden Ring Gorgeous Female Character Creation with Sliders!

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(The Template i used is Warrior) This is my favorite face i've played with and I hope you like it too! Be aware that the characters face will look strange usually up until the last slider, curtiousy of From software's character creation so don't be worried if she looks like an alien halfway through!

Any Template works to make this character! I've had alot of comments asking to show the template but just to double check, I've used several of the base templates and came to the exact same result! (however there is an insanley small difference with shading of the eyebrows and whites of the eyes based on template) be aware that if you miss a single slider in any of this, it will change her entire look! do be careful!
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here's the settings for any of y'all who don't want to pause every few seconds

**Detailed appearance > Alter face & hair > adjust face template**

Bone structure: 3
Form emphasis: 0
Apparent age: 20
Facial aesthetic:170

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > facial appearence**

Nose size: 126
nose/forehead ratio: 102
Face protrusion: 140
Vert. face ratio: 119
Facial feature slant: 116
Horiz. Face ratio: 128

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > forehead/glabella**

Forehead depth: 120
Forehead protrusion: 152
Nose bridge height: 225
Bridge protrusion 1: 235
Bridge protrusion 2:165
Nose bridge width: 125

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > brow ridge**

Brow ridge height: 200
Inner brow ridge: 134
Outer brow ridge: 210

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > eyes**

Eye position: 185
Eye size: 206
Eye slant: 205
Eye spacing: 92

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > nose ridge**

Nose ridge depth: 43
Nose ridge length: 128
Nose position: 161
Nose tip height: 160
Nose protrusion: 130
Nose height: 160
Nose slant: 135

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > nostrils**

Nostril slant: 149
Nostril size: 97
Nostril width: 112

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > cheeks**

Cheekbone height: 175
Cheekbone depth: 100
Cheekbone width: 110
Cheekbone protrusion: 171
Cheeks: 137

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > lips**

Lip shape: 115
Mouth expression: 215
Lip fullness: 172
Lip size: 128
Lip protrusion: 167
Lip thickness: 181

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > mouth**

Mouth protrusion: 98
Mouth slant: 107
Occlusion: 172
Mouth position: 0
Mouth width: 40
Mouth-chin distance: 181

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > chin**

Chin tip position: 141
Chin length: 0
Chin protrusion: 80
Chin depth: 99
Chin size: 105
Chin height: 131
Chin width: 113

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > face structure > jaw

Jaw protrusion:124
Jaw width: 78
Lower jaw: 55
Jaw contour: 90
**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > hair>**

Hair: 24
Hair color: 🟥66 🟩45 🟦25
Luster: 146
Root darkness: 155
White hairs: 0

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > eyebrows**

Brow: 15
Brow color: 🟥3 🟩1 🟦1
Luster: match hair
Root darkness: match hair
White hairs: match hair

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > facial hair**

Beard: 1
Beard color: match hair
Luster: match hair
Root darkness: match hair
White hairs: match hair
Stubble: 0

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > eyelashes**

Eyelashes: 4
Eyelash color: 🟥0 🟩0 🟦0

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > eyes**

Right iris size: 225
Right iris color: 🟥252 🟩13 🟦13
R eye clouding: 0
R clouding color: default
R eye white color: default
R eye position: 128
Left iris size: match right eye
Left iris color: match right eye
L eye clouding: match right eye
L clouding color: match right eye
L eye white color: match right eye
L eye position: match right eye

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > skin features**

Pores: 35
Skin luster: 170
Dark circles: 40
Dark circles color: 🟥39 🟩29 🟦41

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > cosmetics**

Eyeliner: 60
Eyeliner color: 🟥0 🟩0 🟦0
Eyeshadow (upper): 130
Eyeshadow color (upper): 🟥24 🟩71 🟦71
Eyeshadow (lower): 155
Eyeshadow color (lower): 🟥0 🟩0 🟦0
Cheeks: 40
Cheek color: 🟥104 🟩1 🟦1
Lipstick: 225
Lipstick color: 🟥189 🟩15 🟦15

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > tattoo/mark/eyepatch**

tattoo/mark: 9
tattoo/mark color: 🟥50 🟩25 🟦0
Eyepatch: 1
Eyepatch color: default

**Detailed appearance > alter face & hair > tattoo/mark/eyepatch > tweak tattoo/mark**

Position (vert): 162
Position (horiz): 43
Angle: 128
Expansion: 155
Flip: off

*Detailed appearance > alter body**

Head: 148
Chest: 75
Abdomen: 165
Arms: 68
Legs: 225
Body hair: 0
Body hair color: match hair
Musculature: standard


Nice job. Looks amazing. Don't know why they made the base templates look like they were shot in the face and then carefully reconstructed by a mortician that's been on the job for only 2 hours.


I cannot thank you enough!!! Even after 1 hour of editing, my character looked like a monster...and now she looks amazing! Thank you 🙏🏻


I just used this and it actually turned out really good for me. For anyone wondering the Truth-Seeker base template works very well with this. I like to refer to a character creation guide like this for most rpgs and then tweak the character afterwards to some of my personal preferences. I've used lots of YT vid character creations for elden ring but none have gotten me a character that looks as amazing as this does after I tweaked it (hair color/style and cosmetics). Thank you for the vid and awesome appearance!


I didn't expect Elden's character to be such beautiful, nice job!


Good stuff, I was a little skeptical as I started matching the sliders but it turned out well in the end. Well done figuring all that out, this game really doesn’t make it easy to make decent looking female characters.


Thank you so much for this! She looks absolutely gorgeous in any lighting!


I just got the game and the char creation is overwhelming! It's a bit strange how trying to move the mouth position up or down, for example, ends up distorting the whole face. I usually pride myself in char customization but this game's format was really hard for me to use. Thanks for uploading this! I absolutely love the eye shape. I just messed around with colors and changed the hair style and now I have a character that I like c:


I have used this since Day 1 & I still use it to save the template for every version I own. You seriously deserve more credit for this, you have blessed many people's worlds with this gorgeous Tarnished. Thank you!


I completely suck ass at making female characters.. Thank god someone is nice enough to show us how they made theirs so we can make one, I thank you for your service my friend.


Hello Luxi and viewers.
To Luxi: Your recording's color is off. The video shows with much more red/less green in the image, which makes the character look different than it does on our ends. People want the colors they're seeing in the video, not the colors the given RGB values actually result in. Who knows how this color error could have come about. Maybe it's your graphics card and you're seeing exactly the same colors as the video shows, or maybe it's your recording software being weird and you see the same pale skin and dark lips that we see.

Either way, the people watching the video like the colors they see in the video.

To Viewers: I've been messing around with the RGB values that Luxi gave us, trying to recreate exactly the colors seen in video. I believe that I've done a pretty good job, so hopefully all your questions about colors being off are answered here.

PS. Make sure you use *Warrior* preset. The alternative skin tones and textures of Truth Seeker do indeed affect the character's skin, even if just a bit.

Video Accurate colors list
Skin Color: R 255/245, G 142, B 126
Hair Color: R 76, G 45, B 25
Eye Color: R 255, G 3, B 20
Dark Circles Color: R 42/40, G 29, B 41
Eyeshadow Color (Upper): R 24, G 68, B 71
Cheek Color: R 104, G 1, B 5,
Lipstick Color: R 255, G 10, B 20
Tatoo/Mark Color: R 60, G 25, B 0


Ngl this the best one yet, love the look, just as a notice, my eye options was a little different but still managed to get it working. Thank you!


I've used the Draconian Female and the Nomadic female. The Draconian is gorgeous because of her facial structure and cat-like pupils eyes. The Nomadic is a young short-haired redhead girl with freckles with teal eyes and people go crazy over her.


Thanks for the video man. It's really hard to make a minimally beautiful character in Elden ring but you managed to make a beautiful character.


She's really pretty. Good job making her.


I’m late but I decided to re-customize my character and your sliders are golden. Many thanks 🙏🏽


Meanwhile I've spent probably 3 hours on my character, 1h at start, then gone 3 more times to adjust finally got her to look ''decent'' honestly barely a 6/10 while drunk asf.
Then I notice looking at her face sideways makes it look like It's been caved in...
Thank you so much for this!


*Max Legs slider*
Ah, I see you're a woman of culture as well.


This is the best female character so far!


That's 1000 Hours in the character creation right there!
Good job!
