Why your low end sounds amateur (maybe)

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Let's talk about the deep low end, the sub frequencies. Do your subs groove? Are you overengineering your mixdown? Are you stressing the heck out and you are overcomplicating your life?

Chill! Let's play a game & learn how to listen to bass frequencies, and what to listen for to make sure yours sound groovy. In Ableton Live, I'll teach you how to use shelving filters to balance your frequencies, but you can follow along in any DAW.

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0:00 Let's play a game...
1:03 The cloakroom check
2:15 What bass was best?
4:55 The tools to shape your low end
8:21 What's a polymeter?
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it drives me nuts how some producers can get their bass so HUGE, yet it sounds clear and clean, and it doesn't disrupt any other sounds in the mix. how the hell


You inspire me so much. I have been wondering in the dark without realizing it. You make difficult concepts so clear and simple. I can't thank you enough. I hope you have a wonderful day.


My instincts were wrong about this even though my perception was accurate.

I felt 1) was natural sounding and clean, 2) had a “pumping” effect that I personally find nauseating, and 3) had a flat, inoffensive bed of bass that never prodded you or jostled you around.

But your explanation and elaboration on why 2) is indeed the most desirable option for a club setting—something I’m not familiar with admittedly —were both so clear and well-organized, I was convinced. You are an excellent communicator. Subscribed.


iPhone users are watching this video and wondering where the music is


Oscar, not the first time I'm impressed by your videos. It's not the content of your lessons, it is your perspective on music production and the way you approach solutions to all the issues. Really worth following and I recommend your channel as often I can.


i watched this quick video and loaded up an old project of mine to help balance the low end and it helped a lot. the best part of the video was how he shows 3 different low ends, PLAYS IT and talks about it AS it is playing so as to show ppl what to listen for. That one thing really trains your ear a lot more than someone just talking about it. After checking my own low end, it sounded much more balanced, great channel


I knew when I heard the correct example that it was the "best" sounding one, but on headphones the loudest one is the most fun. Sounds that break rules are very enjoyable to make and listen to on smaller setups--but if done to the extreme, they can end up damaging sound equipment.

That's the problem with production and mixing...you're playing with raw energy.


I liked the 2nd one best, there's like something "elastic" to it while the kick stays powerful. I find the same appeal as in tracks like Pablo Bozzi - Hotswitch.


Hey man, just wanted to say I've learnt so much from your videos. They are incredible and make such complex topics simple. Thank you for everything, you've brought me to a new level producing wise.


it's not even my genre, but this has been so helpful. really great content especially compared to other vids! that last shelf tip was pure gold. also nice that you gave a actual reference when it comes to the kick and bass instead of "just use your ears"


OMG!!! My musical production journey is pretty recent (2-3 years) and I can't believe this is the first time I see this trick. So powerful! Thanks a lot Oscar.


So many people talk a bout mixing your low-end properly but that was the best explanation I've seen.


I used to side chain the bejesus out of all kicks. Then i went down to Multi band, and even lighter multi band. This video is really great to give me the confidence to worry even less with certain masking (it can jsut be a nice blend). TRULY, thanks again Mate. I really hope one day i see you pottering around Berlin, so i can say thanks in person.
Your channel has strengthened so many concepts i thought i knew well, and taught me many new things.


I gotta say: your videos have been going up and up and up in quality lately. They're much more dynamic and the editing is up by a couple of notches. Thank you for your work, it's really wonderful and soooo helpful!


This is by far the best low end video I ever did see in my entire music production career


For over a decade I have constantly over-complicated this subject. I knew it had to be so much simpler than how I was imagining.

This is absolutely perfect and has broke down and confirmed all the things I knew I should/shouldn’t have been doing!!!

Wicked video and I instantly subscribed. Easy to follow and to the point. Thanks mate!!!


The filter idea is stupidly simple but genius.
While I play and write in a Mayer style pop blues or in country, there’s a lot to take from the groove and separation in the low end found in electronic music that keeps people moving on the dance floor.


Hi people, here's a gem for you. When making dance records destined for the club, keep your kicks short as possible. Think of it as a transient more than a long boom sound. Clubs aren't treated like our studios. The shorter the kick the less flabby it will sound in a club environment.


I like this thought. I've watched million of tutorials over the years and no one has ever given such a simple option with kick and bass. I'm gonna try it today. Thanks!


Oscar, I love all your videos, but the last few ones have been _really really good_. The breaking things one, the chords and the low end insights ... you're on fire!
