World's Fastest Workers!

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Being skilled at your job means being able to be more efficient and work faster. That’s great for your boss and for you if you get paid by your output. Learning how to speed through and get the job done gets you home with your feet up and relaxing in no time. Here’s to all of you out there who are so good at what you do that doing it fast is only part of the job. Let’s begin.

Somebody better tell this guy that the National Grocers Association sponsors a grocery bagging competition. The grand prize is $10,000.

Time is money...And those boxes aren’t going to fold themselves.

Question...Is quick washing dishes something you want to speed through? Or is that one you want someone to take their time with?

When it comes to french fries, faster is always better.

It’s a widely known fact...Vegetables taste better when they’re packaged quickly.

Many hands make light work...Just ask this crew of guys out doing some serious pounding.

When you’re good at what you do, sometimes you can go on autopilot and let your colleagues take it easy.

I’d say this is more water corralling rather than simply cleaning up a wet spot.

This egg cracking is all well and good, but you will be judged by how many shells you add to the mix.

Employee of the year at the jean store for the last 5 years and running.

This may be a bit unnecessary, but they get points for style.

If you can show me a more interesting and fun way to paint a building, I’d like to see it.

Framers are a breed all their own. It’s best to stay out of their way and let them be awesome.

Propane tanks are highly combustible, but also highly stackable.

There’s not much an orange can do against a sharp knife other than be sliced and wait to be juiced.

Lady...That copper wire doesn’t stand a chance against you and your highly focused commitment to your job.

I mean...It’s a ball...If you want lines painted on it, by all means...Roll it around.

Fast doesn’t mean poor-quality by any means. Let’s give it up for everyone featured in today’s video for being spectacular at what they do. Hit that like button and please subscribe to the channel. Stay tuned because we’ll be back before you know it. See you next time.
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Imagine doing that 8 hrs every single day .... respect.


I love watching these videos. The talent and precision of these workers is just enviable. Love it Mr.Worker, thank you ❤


*i love this video when i see it in the first time*


These dudes being why businesses expect 1400%


4:56 and 7:05 was so good we needed to see it twice! 😂


Thank you! e way they come up with construction ideas is amazing


Fast and doing it correctly are not the sames thing.


Absolutely wonderful people! your video is very good


of course they're fast when you speed the footage


اللهم صلِّ على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم 🌸🌹🌺💐


Half of those videos are speed enchanted... liars
