Stalin Was A Gift To Those Against Civil Rights in the 1950s

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Great work. I am constantly watching your videos. :)


I love watching all of your documentaries. As usual, well done.


This guy worked for LBJ. Look into LBJ's history.


Roger Wilkins is my favorite speaker of yours!


Really interesting. Thanks for sharing, David.


0:40 *Joe* Stalin? This is the very first time I ever hear that...


This is one of the coolest channels on YouTube


I worry this statement is common enough to be annoying, but it looks like 1989 was a very busy year for you.


I'm sorry, but I've watched other episodes featuring this speaker, and I knew there was something amiss in his thinking, but until this one, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. To blame conservatives for any of Uncle Joe's horrendous excesses, or in fact to try to evade the underlying intent of many on the left to completely undermine the cultural and economic foundations upon which the US was built, must be considered the height of sophistry. Change was never suggested simply for the sake of change (shades of the UA logo), but because a particular outcome was desired. That others, viewing said plan, might recognize and call out ulterior motives (or even possible unforeseen consequences) does not render those people villainous for having taken that position; in light of more current events, I'd be more inclined to label them as unsung heroes. Watching this self-proclaimed intellectual grope for words to support a contention which he very clearly barely grasps is almost painful to watch, and actually contradicts much of what he maintains.


When we learn about history in high school or college, it's just like anything else -- what you're going to remember is what's most emotionally impactful on you; that's how the brain learns "this is important." The idea that Adolf Hitler greatly improved mass transit or was an animal rights advocate is simply lost because your brain is saying, "Well, he did these awful deeds, so otherwise he is discredited for making me feel awful even though what he also did objectively improved some peoples lives." Same with Stalin.

Our brains are our worst enemies. Historical perspectives are extremely complicated, so the brain does its best to make us dumb so we can understand it.


I'd love to see a film about how feminism destroyed the civil rights movement. I was at an SDS meeting when women from off campus (Michigan State) burst in, screaming their oppression message, and taking the girls out - literally taking them out by the arm, saying we (guys) were their oppressors and they needed to be in a different meeting. I hadn't heard the word oppression since the last Seder service...and then I heard Gloria Steinem on TV using the exact same words a few weeks later, which of course - as I learned much later - was pure Karl Marx. Feminists who claimed they'd suffered more as white women in America than did black male slaves...I still can't believe that so many people still buy into that, while much of the black community today is still in shambles.


And today we have Putin ... the more things change ...


_You're blaming Stalin for your own racism and bigotry?_
