Learn Italian in 55 minutes - The Best of 2016

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Step 3: Start learning Italian the fast, fun and easy way!

With this video compilation you'll be able to catch up with the best lessons of 2016, and review Italian phrases to master the language!

You've decided to start learning Italian, so let's build up your vocabulary! In this video, you'll learn some of the most important words and phrases in the Italian language. If you want to start learning Italian, this video is made for you. Our hosts express themselves in simple Italian, with English subtitles. This video will challenge your listening comprehension skills and help you progress in your Italian study.

Let us help you through this 2016 Recap video compilation as you continue learning Italian! This is the fastest, easiest way to pick up basic Italian!

Also, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our videos! We really appreciate it. Thanks!
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you are amazing teacher desiree I live in italia 5 month now and you realy helped me a words I needed
desiree desiree desiree
desiree desiree desiree
desiree desiree desiree
desiree desiree desiree


grazie bellissimo video sei un buon insegnante


Ciao de Dubai. Grazie davvero. I enjoyed this.


grazie per lezione italiano. i learned more topics today.please do more language videos.


it is really helpful and it has helped me a lot


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You are a great teacher! What is your native dialect?


best videos for learn Italian language


My sister desire please we want a lot of a new lessons 🤗


Amazing to understand a movie without subtitles or to speak fluent in short time? Well, maybe for a European person it is indeed easy. In my case, before start learning Italian, I could understand between 70% and 90% of a conversation(depending on the topic). How is that possible? Because I speak four romance languages(Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and French) So more than 80-90% of Italian vocabulary has something similar to any of the languages I speak. I can understand almost anything and watch a movie without problem. (Maybe when they speak very very fast can be a problem xD). Anyhow, my listening and understanding is kind of advanced even if I'm studying Italian just for a few weeks for now. But my writing and speaking is like a beginner-intermedian cause obviously I didn't learn all the right/correct spelling, I just can understand it.
I just need to learn the right spelling and that's all, some vocabulary as well of course; Repetition and more repetition.
I try to figure it out how to learn this language on the easiest or better to say: ' on the fastest way' so I can be able to learn it on the right way just because of my situation.
On another hand, I have to say that I really like your videos and your explanations. You have a nice Italian programme course that helps a lot.

Good luck with it!



mi piace tanto questo vídeo. lei é italiana?


How much does ItalianPod101 pay you do to these videos? Just curious. :-)
