Mistborn - History of Era 1 - Cosmere Lore Animated DOCUMENTARY

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New animated lore documentary series of the Wizards and Warriors channel will focus on the universe of Cosmere as we try to explain what it is and show why Brandon Sanderson's universe is so popular with tales of Mistborn, Stormlight, Elantris, Warbreaker and others which we are planning to tell very soon. In this video we talked about the world of Scadrial and the rise of the Final Empire of the Lord Ruler Rashek, discussed the rebellion of the Mistborn Kelsier assisted by Vin and others, covered the aftermath of the killing of lord ruler Rashek and the events that happened after the Revolution, as Elend Venture took over as the leader and had to juggle various interests, while a number of armies marched against Luthadel. This, in turn, led to the siege of Luthadel, and although our heroes were able to defend their capital, their actions led to the return of Ruin to the world. Beginning of the End of the world was upon them. That is when the real Hero of Ages was able to bring Harmony back to the world.
Our other series:
Writer: Frank Ó'hÁinle
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov
#Lore #Cosmere #Mistborn