OnePlus 12 Review after Two Months!

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My thoughts on the OnePlus 12 after the March updates and after nearly a couple of months of use. I have to say that it's an overall really great experience now that OnePlus has cleaned up a couple of items. The fingerprint sensor is better now and I like the minor improvements to the camera.

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I like the updates they've made to the OnePlus 12!


Cheaper better battery more memory. Fast charging with the brick included. Camera and video is fantastic. Haptic feedback is insane. Super fluid. And I can't stress enough the battery goes and goes and goes. This has been a God send for me as I live on this thing for work. And the cool thing is if I need a quick top off in 10 Mins I'm well over 50% and good for a gallizon more hours. There some quirks with the software but nothing that work detur me from buying again.
This truly is the best bang for your buck if you ask me


You can't get everything on a phone. No phone is perfect and has everything. But the OnePlus 12 is a well-balanced "flagship"phone that's packed with features for the price. There are things the Samsung s24 ultra has that the OnePlus 12 doesn't have, and vice versa. But the OnePlus 12 has cutting-edge technology that's definitely putting Samsung, Google, and Apple on notice.


Only the IP68 rating isn't there. Other than that it has all the flagship features.


About the updates: this phone supports unlocking the bootloader so if you know what you are doing you can get the latest version of Android via custom ROMs. Its not like Samsung where what they offer is the only option


Simple can be good. A lot of what sounds neat about it is subtle like the vapor chamber, stuff that's not in your face.


Loving my oneplus 12 done with my s24ultra


I really love my Oneplus 12. It's fast, UI is smooth as silk, absolutely no bloatware, works like a beast with all the multitasking I do on it, great display with good visibility outdoors, excellent RAM management, superb battery backup that lasts all day and has never let me down. And the Strong Box secure folder gives me peace of mind keeping confidential data safe. Camera is decent too, works for my purpose. I own the Galaxy s23 ultra as well but use OP 12 as my primary phone as I absolutely love it! Thanks for the video!


Look forward to your nerdery Steve thanks bro. Oneplus 12 definitely interested in it. And yeah i have an S10 and an S9 and im looking for alternatives now thanks man


Biggest gripes with OP12 for me is:
1) The adaptive brightness is party its own life when its dark in the enviroment, all suddenly it boost the brightness in your face and wich makes you half blind.
2) The lack of folders in the appdrawer, why not include the ability for that?
3) The fingerprint sensor, sure ultraclean fingers, it works oki. But coming to an optical version from the much superior ultrasonic ones is just like night and day.

The best for me:
1) Battery life
2) smooth and fast all day performance
3) The camera, as a photographer i do like the not so over sharpened photos and great colors, are they true to life? no but they do look great.


The Best OnePlus phone to date, with so many improvements over my OnePlus 11. 💯% Pure no brainier for the price and performance compared to Samsung and Apple flagships


I have owned a few oneplus phones and loved them. I switched to an iPhone 14 pro last year and have hated ios so much. My wifes iphone 11 pro broke so she is taking my old phone and I ordered this phone. Considering they are giving me $170 for my old oneplus 7 pro and another $60 coupon code I found online the price was only $570 and even if it's not the absolute best it's so close while being a fraction of the price of the competition. Can't wait to be back on android.


Super review ! awesome way of saying successor of s10 plus


OnePlus 12 not so cheap here in the little emerald Isle, 1100 euro to be precise, that must be 1250 dollars, not understanding the difference in price between the two regions, if anyone know why the big difference in price, would love to know, please share what you think the difference in is ❤❤ from Ireland


I find it cool how you revisited this device, it shows that you actually use it in order for you to notice software updates and improvements and whatnot!

2 questions...

- what's the current status of the RAM management? You said before that it was too aggressive, I infer that's been improved as well but what're your direct thoughts on that?
- have you given the "Master" mode and "Movie" mode in the camera app a try? OnePlus is really focusing on manual control with their camera, rather than only a simple point-and-shoot experience


I've had my 12 since pre-order delivered in Feb. I have had no issues and have noticed nothing with regards about updates and any changes in the phone after installing. This phone is just great for the money and makes me wonder why anyone would spend Fruit Company or Samsung money for a phone. My guess is they want to show off how stupid they are with their money rather than showing prudent spending.


I got it its all great. But they did lie about that 4k nitts. Outside its more dim than the s23 ultra and definately dimmer than the s24 ultra. cant complain since its got a better UI, same camera, same but faster charging batteries and it was on 640 dollars for me with 100 dollar disc and student discount. Oh and it came with the earbuds if you ordered in the app 2 weeks ago.


Non existent idle drain? Wow!!! Man why these guys dont give me microsd lol. Still. Pretty interested. Gonna hold on a bit. Want to swap my iphone 11 for 13 pro max. I run 4 fones on the daily 😊😊😅😅


Is One Plus still using Google apps as default, the phone, messages, calendar?


Did / Do the OnePlus 12R also get the same updates?
