10 Psychological Tricks That Work On Girls (Collaboration)

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Do you ever wonder how some people got to be so good at talking to girls? It’s a skill like any other, but fortunately there are some proven ways to make it easier. We’ll share some psychological tips and tricks which will have women eager to talk to you. Giving the right compliment may even make her think more highly of you. We’ll talk about the Benjamin Franklin Effect, which may have men both doing favors for you and liking you more! You might be doing everything you can in order to stand out, but women tend to like people they think are similar to them. By engaging in a little bit of mirroring you can convince her that you’re more alike than she once thought. Do you have any suggestions on how to make better conversation with women? If so, be sure to share them in the comment section and subscribe to Psych2go for more great videos.
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