Italian Song 'L'italiano' with lyrics, English translation and explanations

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Al dente spaghetti, espresso coffee, the historical FIAT 600 (not the 500), Buongiorno Maria, ... Learn about this and much more in this video lessong!

L’ITALIANO, di S. Cutugno - C. Minellono
© Copyright 1983 by Number Two Edizioni Musicali S.r.l. / Edizioni Curci S.r.l./ Star S.r.l. - Milan, Italy

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Find the original song here:

And, hey, have you noticed anything odd when I show the photo of my grandmother?

00:00- L'italiano- Introduction
02:10- L'italiano- Song performance with English translation
05:52- L'italiano- Spoken English translation and explanations (with a lot of surprises inside!)

Check out these resources for Italian language enthusiasts:

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LIS- Learn Italian Songs, Learn Italian with Songs. In this channel we sing famous Italian songs and show a hand-written, word-by-word translation on a corner of the screen. All songs have a short introduction, and are followed by more detailed explanations which include some cultural trivia and just a dash of easy-peasy grammar notes.

The audio of the song was recorded and mixed by Daniel Broom of Black Granny studios
Рекомендации по теме

I am mexican, but I am learning Italian and english at the same time. I like your channel because, I can practice singing in a fun way


Great introduction to italian language, to italian culture, simply to Italy...thanks


How great is it! 🥰 I love this way of learning Italian! Your work made it so much easier and even more interesting. Great job with singing, playing a guitar, writing down the lyrics and translation for us plus explaining words line by line. I'm so happy and thankful for this! You are amazing!


I have to say that I've listened to the song for many years and understood all the words and know them by heart and I've never had anyone break it down and make me understand how it works like you did. I had many oh and aha moments! Thank you!


I am a beginner with zero knowledge of the Italian language. Yet, I love this beautiful song. Thank you so much for the great way of translating and paraphrasing every sentence of it. You have officially become my very first Italian teacher! Great job! 😊


Wooow your channel is a hidden gem. I learned English by listening to songs and I will learn Italian in that way too. All thanks to your channel. Much love from turchia.


I got drawn into learning French again through music, and watching Zucchero perform at the Albert Hall in 2004 for the first time recently, got me wanting to understand his lyrics, and to start learning Italian again. I did start in 1979 when I got a job as a mother's help there, but I didn't last that long at it, (because I was useless and homesick), but do love the language, thank you, you've got a lovely voice, and that was a beautiful song played well!


3 minutes in and i loveeee this process already


Great way to improve vocabulary...and the best whistling on YouTube!


Great song and a great lesson. I am trying to learn some Italian before our families trip to Italy this summer and I am very happy I found this Chanel. When we are there I may order some caffe Ristretto, but usually prefer Cafe’ americano.


I really enjoyed this song and lesson A LOT! Especially the way you broke it down, word-for-word. Literal translations are so much less confusing than "official" translations which don't help at all. This is great stuff.


rich voice and beautiful pronunciation, wish all Italians spoke like this


Pietro- love the way you organize your presentation. The repetition and word by word, line by line accompanied by your beautiful music is an optimal way for English- speakers to learn basic Italian. I studied Italian and have been to Italy many times- I was born in the wrong country (U.S.) because I adore Italy. My husband who is a great bass and guitar player wants to learn and we’ve been searching for a good format. Your program is fantastic. Mille Braxie, Marilyn and Ed.


"O surdato nnammurato", please, teacher. Thank you for all of your lesson. Great!!!!😍😍😍


I think that it's a marvellous way to review and learn more things about Italy. Thank you.


What a beautiful lesson with such a great presentation. I have just discovered this channel. Thank you


Just love this channel. Recently, I went to Italy and fell in love with the country! Thanks for doing this.


Great video. I am learning Italian and this video was very helpful for me. You are a good teacher :)


That’s great! Im really happy that I found your channel. I appreciate your work!


Admire your efforts in translating and singing the song to us. I am a beginner in Italian. Reading lyrics and translation is definitely a good way to learn a language. Grazie mille!
