Book of Acts | Part 1 | Chapters 1-2

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On Mondays of each week you can experience our Book of Acts Bible study. We’ll explore the book of Acts together and learn how we can BE the church! This will lay the foundation for our devotionals the rest of the week.

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Thanks for the class, looking forward to tomorrows. Great way to get the word of God as we are confined to indoors.


God bless you Pastor Luke! I look forward to our online Bible Study!


Don't forget to post any questions you want us to answer on Friday.


Thank you, Pastor Luke. I am looking forward to to being a part of this teaching. Could you address the idea of faith from that time period verses the faith that we have today. I can imagine that there was an incredible anticipation during that 10 or so day period, but even though they didn't know when or how, wouldn't they have had a pretty good idea that Jesus was going to follow through? They just witnessed his Resurrection, spent time with him for 40 days after and then saw his Ascension. These are amazing and miraculous events that they witnessed first hand. That seems to be fairly easy to get behind. Seeing is believing (Thomas). Isn't the faith we are asked to have much greater? I struggle with this idea all the time. I have been told that if I pray and spend more time in the presence of God that I will find it easier to have faith, and since coming to Crossroads, I am trying to have that daily conversation. I cannot lie, I want a definitive sign. I realize that it may never really come, but this is where I find my human frailty. Thanks for reading, and I promise to be less long winded in the future. I'm just excited to have a dialogue with people that have a better grasp of Jesus's presence in our lives. Michael
