Tutorial and review: Launchpad Pro MK3 vs Launchpad X // Which should you get?

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Here's where I sort out the USB/MIDI mess in case you want to you LaunchPad X with hardware synths:

0:00 Intro
0:55 Main differences
3:45 Live session
4:30 Mixer controls
5:40 Track selection
6:25 Device controls
7:30 Misc Pro features
8:45 Note mode
10:30 Custom layouts
14:15 Chord mode
17:00 Sequencer setup
18:30 Step sequencing
20:35 Automation
21:15 Probability
22:05 Mutation
22:55 Micro-step
24:00 Print to clip
24:25 Arpeggiator?
24:55 Pattern settings
26:05 Pattern view
26:50 Scenes
27:25 Projects
28:05 Seq + session
28:55 Setup
29:25 Pros & cons

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NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any way by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.
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Thank you for the extensive review I really enjoy your videos and get alot of value.

There was update for Launchpad X:
- Now you can have 8 custom modes each can be set to any channel from the device itself by holding down any custom button on the right side
- You can long press any button on the mixer for temporary access
- Double press Session to a move around in the grid in 8 steps.


Chord mode is so dang cool. It’s so common for controllers to have a chord mode that’s just a running list of chords in boring root positions. Super cool that you can program your own that easily


Straight to the point, but also in-depth! Having the timestamps persist throughout the entire video is really nice. Very thoughtful, very nice video!


I really hate it when companies put arbitrary restrictions on their cheaper devices. There is no reason why the smaller one couldn't have 8 custom modes instead of 4 for example. Apart from that they both look like decent controllers.


I support you and a couple of other content creators through Patreon. I watch many of these review / overview videos for a variety of products. Nonetheless, when i want a thorough, comprehensive, and well-presented overview of a device, there is none better. Thanks for your contributions.


...once again approved, without exception you manage to showcase the most comprehensive and insightful product breakdowns - or better put, video manuals - one can only wish for. period


so incredibly well communicated, researched and love how quick, yet detailed and articulate your presentation informative and helpful - one of the few out there


Your tutorial is a pretty nice explaining about what I can look forward to during the shipping (and during usage)... So glad I bought the pro mk3... Can't wait to freak out on this machine!


Thank you for the very thorough comparison. I just placed an order for the Pro MK3.


Mine is on the way. This is a great tutorial. I will need it because it looks confusing!


For me, this is the most useful channel on YouTube. Brav


Thanks for your review loopop. Please Novation add an alftertouch
function for the widget CC button which allow to modulate the value of a
CC with the pressure on a pad.


No matter what, I'm blown away 😲. Just bought the Pro MK3 🤓😁


Definitely the pro version has such name for a reason.
I would still go for the launchpad x.
That would become my first product of this type.
I shall order it next week.


I learned so much more from this video than I did from anything Novation put out. Thanks!


I was all over the Launchpad X... as I really don't 80% of the other buttons around the edge, or the sequencer.. then there it was.. no chord mode in the X... so pro it is then.. xD


Wow, I have first launchpad and I didn’t know that they took it to next level! That’s amazing, now I think to buy an update.


Like always, very informative and in depth. After watching I bought a launchpad pro mk3. Then came back to this Video to learn how to use it. Much better than novations tutorials.


You continually delight us all with your attention to detail, unrivaled quality and respect to your viewers. Gratefully.


Getting into midi/launchpad is a lot to take in for a person like me who is just getting into it., but that being said., you're tutorial helped me a lot though i ended up wathcing it multiple times and breaking it bit by bit.. thank you for this
