Flutter Integration Test - Beginner

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Unit tests and widget tests are handy for testing individual classes, functions, or widgets. However, they generally don’t test how individual pieces work together as a whole, or capture the performance of an application running on a real device. These tasks are performed with integration tests.
Integration tests work as a pair: first, deploy an instrumented application to a real device or emulator and then “drive” the application from a separate test suite, checking to make sure everything is correct along the way.
integration_test package enables self-driving testing of Flutter code on devices and emulators. It adapts flutter_test results into a format that is compatible with flutter drive and native Android instrumentation testing. This package has been moved to the Flutter SDK.
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#integrationtesting #flutter #fluttertesting
Integration tests work as a pair: first, deploy an instrumented application to a real device or emulator and then “drive” the application from a separate test suite, checking to make sure everything is correct along the way.
integration_test package enables self-driving testing of Flutter code on devices and emulators. It adapts flutter_test results into a format that is compatible with flutter drive and native Android instrumentation testing. This package has been moved to the Flutter SDK.
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#integrationtesting #flutter #fluttertesting
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