An Introduction to the Law and Ethics of Gene Editing (guest submission)

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Hey everyone, it's Rosie here. Very sorry about the lack of core team/missed uploads this week. Honestly we have no excuses other than that everyone has been very busy with their projects, moving to different cities etc... I've gone through submissions in the last couple of days & found some incredible ones that I thought you guys would LOVE so I hope that's ok. We will back with some core team content asap and just want you to know that our hearts are still in this!!! Something that would be amazing from you, is ideas for our final video before we let you go on summer hols (lol as in before we stop doing every day uploads). Comment WHATEVER you think would be interesting/funny/outrageous & make it a collab for all of us to join over zoom preferably. Love you all lots. Btw our first adsense payment is coming through this month (I know it's taken ages) and it is going to Black Minds Matter! xxxxx

Hey guys, it’s Chelsie here! I’m a university youtuber and vlogger. This video explains my dissertation topic that I chose in my final year of my law degree. I think it’s super interesting and something I knew zilch about two years ago. I hope you find it interesting & let me know your thoughts below in the comments!

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Really enjoyed making this video! Hope you all like it & can't wait to hear what you think! ✨


If you're interested in this specific topic, there's a mini-series on Netflix that discusses all aspects of genetic engineering. It's called Unnatural Selection. Def one to watch!


Gene editing/counselling is a very important option for people like me with rare genetic syndromes. Not to make perfect healthy babies, but to remove the risk of passing on the specific syndrome. This topic is especially important and interesting to me. 💜


Looking forward to see more!!!! ⭐Good luck in your new cities, it's super exciting!


Only just started watching but WOW THIS IS SO INTERESTING ALREADY!


Wow! That was great! As a future doctor, it’s super interesting to hear the legal side of medical processes! Thank you Chelsie xx


I love Biology! And absolutely love this video❤️

I very much agree with all your points. Would love to have read your paper!


This is such an interesting, informative video thank you so much! Gene editing is something that could be hugely helpful in the future of health care but I'm not sure we know enough about it yet, I'd be on the side to say the length of time an edited embryo can survive should be extended so we can learn more about it x


Very interesting, well presented, great video! ❤❤


I find this topic very interesting and have a lot to say about the ethics behind this new technology. My sister has Down’s Syndrome, and I feel strongly about the worries about ‘cleansing’ of disabilities and potential discrimination towards people with certain disabilities. Many disabilities may end up being seen as undesirable and needing to be ‘fixed’ and this can be detrimental to people with these disabilities and their family and friends. There have been many debates around the NIPT for Down’s Syndrome and about the worry of screening out, but I think with the right information and support offered to future parents this new test could be acceptable.


Super excited to see Chelsie featured on the studytube channel 😊


Another angle might be that if we have less people with diease and disablities there will be less strain on health care and need for new medecines and recoures.
I think gene editing should be legal for people with disbalities or diease but with lots of control. I dont think it should be used to change eye colour or something or to make a 'perfect baby'.
Your video was very interesting thank you!


This was so informative and interesting!


Jessica Kellgren-Fozard and Jammidoger did 2 interesting videos about being lgbtq+ parents and how that would work and also concerning her disablity. They talked about how eggs could possibly be edited into sperm and whether a bioloical child of hers would have her disblitites.


I agree with the idea that gene editing might not be cheap. This is a barrier that we have to pass through for anything that is established in the world as "new". For example, phones themselves were very expensive when the manufacturing started but today the price has gone down to almost affordable by anyone. I personally would love to have gene editing especially germline to be legal in all countries. Thank u soo much for this informative video. Congrats on your degree and best of luck for your future👍


This was so interesting and so well explained! Really enjoyed it! Thank you 😊 I Greetings from Croatia 🇭🇷😘


Very well explained! You made it interesting! I could understand easily


I think this is so interesting as I have a disability that I would want genetically removed from my future child


I think we should not go that far to, ,create" people with wanted and most appreciated genes. In my view It could be used only in case of genetic disease. This is the limit which i would go for. Other cases are not that important and dont impact on our health. We shouldnt, ,play God". People should be appreciated as they come to us. We are not commodities to be manufactured. Genetic engineering fails to appreciete the value of human difference, and that is an important part of what it means to be human.
