CSE473S-19-3A: Transport Layer: TCP and UDP (Part 1 of 4)

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Video recording of a class lecture in the course on Introduction to Computer Networking by Professor Raj Jain of Washington University in Saint Louis. This 3rd module of the course covers application layer protocols. The module covers Transport Layer Design Issues, Protocol Layers, Transport Layer, Transport Layer Functions, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, Error Detection: Checksum, 1’s Complement, Flow Control, Sliding Window Diagram, Stop and Wait Flow Control, Sliding Window Protocol Efficiency, Utilization: Examples, Effect of Window Size, Efficiency Principle, Error Control: Retransmissions, Go-Back-N ARQ, Selective Repeat ARQ, Selective Repeat: Window Size, Performance: Maximum Utilization, Performance Comparison, Transport Layer Design Issues, Homework 3A, UDP and TCP, Transports, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), TCP, TCP Segment Format, TCP Header Fields, TCP Options, TCP Checksum, TCP Connection Management, Example RTT estimation:, Round Trip Time Estimation, Slow Start Congestion Control, AIMD Principle, Fast Recovery, TCP Congestion Control State Diagram, TCP Average Throughput
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