Resonance Circuits: LC Inductor-Capacitor Resonating Circuits

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Its amazing how well you give graphical tangibility to theoretical concepts.
You often help me get a clear idea of a physic principle that often I'm fuzzy about, or even miss understanding. Thank you so much for your ability.


Well, done. Any introductory electronics course should include this video as a practical visual understanding of resonance. Starting young engineers with the equations may be traditional, but a visual presentation such as this will provide a long-lasting practical understanding as well. Something I see lacking in engineers and technicians today. Keep up the good work.


Your videos take us beyond the pages of book..thanks soo much for your videos


I think a critical thing to note is that when the magnetic field first begins to collapse across the inductor, its voltage potential spikes to values much much higher than the voltage originally used to first charge the capacitor. Resonant circuits can achieve very high potentials while in operation, because of this phenomenon.

Also, this explains more concisely why the circuit doesnt just find an equilibrium, rather than resonating. The sudden spike in inductor voltage causes a fierce inrush of current into the capacitor, only when the magnetic field begins to collapse, and not until then. Examples of this spike in voltage can sometimes be seen when a transformer is suddenly disconnected from power, resulting in a surprising high voltage arc from "back EMF".

I hope this makes it easier to understand resonance. It used to frustrate me in college that most professors really didn't understand the fundamentals of what they were teaching. So, I sought to make this complex phenomenon as simple as possible to visualize.


I have made a living working on this field. And this video finally filled the gaps I had in my understanding of the phenomenom.


En el trabajo no tengo más remedio que estar traduciendo y leyendo, cuando veo youtube es para desconectar .
Saludos, hay millones de hispano hablantes en el planeta


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Your videos are great for people with a strong mechanical aptitude like. The math makes so much sense one I've seen it shown to me from a mechanical approach!


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These are the best explanations that i have ever seen before. At school before shwing matematical theories of circuits, teachers try to show understanding of how things works. So students may like what they learn so much, otherwise it is just a mess of memorizations of formulas that we see teaching. This is not an ideal way of teaching. Teaching doesnt mean to be writing the book on the board.


You put so much effort for making these free educational videos which help us a lot. Thank you, Eugene.


My professor was discussing this circuit and she was using the parallel configuration and she said at resonance the circuit blows up, but when I went to compute the equivalent impedance of the circuit it seemed the circuit impedance went to infinity at the resonance frequency making it a open circuit and your video made that really clear.


That was the best explanation I saw, nothing like the standard "capacitor loads the coil and vice versa" without explaining why does it behave this way.


Love your animations, it's impossible to find animations like yours visualizing electronics and it can be really useful to properly understand electricity. Hope you keep it up, I really appreciate your videos!


you're animations are clear with the concepts u imply on us!! more importantly u guys depicted the potential difference in a nice


The best explanation ever. Just working with resonant circuits. Cannot appreciate more. Thank you.


I have never forget the dancing series RLC circuit with that music :D These are by far the best explanation vidoes ever. Thank you so much!!!


That's beautiful. I've build many resonant circuits, and never thought to think of them like this. Good work!


I love the easy to understand animation as well as the strait forward, to the point narrative wich is also easy to follow.Thank you for your well produced production of your great knowledge that you share.
