Candidates address DNC 'rigged' claims

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Democratic National Committee chair candidates Tom Perez and Samuel Ronan give their take on whether or not the primary election was rigged against Sen. Bernie Sanders.
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It pisses me off how corporate Democrats often have trouble giving a straight answer to a question.


Sam Ronan, good man speaking the truth like a true champion


Sam Ronan is the only one with backbone and a spine. Everyone else is lookin' out for their dolla' dolla' bills.


I voted for Trump but I honestly loved the second guy I wish he could be DNC chair


Perez needs to stop choking on that BBC.


Perez's non-answer reminded me of Spicer and Conway.


they rigged it again!!! even worse this time..


Four years later and the DNC still has the same exact playbook. Some people just never learn.


Ohhhh Perez is going to make an epic DNC chair....he's got the "Hillaryspeak/double talk" down cold...of course as a result, Trump has the 2020 re election bid in the


it was rigged, why do you think Debbie Schultz isn't there...


This Ronan guy should be the head of the DNC


CNN has to post videos twice so they can figure out which one to pull later.


Watching the Democrats cannibalize each other is fascinating


A rationalist viewpoint on this matter. For the first time all the masks are off and Americans are seeing the true face of the far left in all its ugliness. I am a moderate independent voter and a retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant (1972-1993) who voted for Trump. In the past both my wife, who is also a moderate, and I were as likely to vote democrat as we were republican depending on who we assessed was the better candidate for America among the available choices. Often our vote went to a candidate we decided was the “lesser of two evils” rather than the best and most competent choice presented to us by the two party system. For the last few decades all we have been offered from both parties are professional lawyer type politicians who after election, regardless of party affiliation, did little to resolve the REAL and pressing problems of America. With Trumps election we are getting for the first time someone NOT controlled by the parties, and also who is not a professional lawyer politician type, who wants to make good his promises and actually FIX things. My wife and I both find this very refreshing and it’s about time! My wife and I find ourselves getting increasingly polarized to the right by the actions and very poor post-election conduct of the Democratic party and the far left. It is very apparent to my wife and I that the democratic party has been taken over by the far left and has completely renounced being moderate in their policies and approaches to resolving American issues. This has gotten so bad that my wife and I are very unlikely to vote for ANY further democratic candidate until the party moves back toward the political center. All we have seen from a Democratic party in Power from 2009-2016 was (a) increasing lawlessness and civil disorder, (b) a pandering to minority interests to the detriment of the majority, (c) a forced globalization of America no matter how ordinary Americans felt about it or were affected by it (d) ever increasing foreign adventurism and (e) and an unwillingness to deal with any REAL problem in preference to dealing with spurious social issues like the gender bathroom fiasco. As for the Republican party SHAME on you for not supporting the Republican President to the fullest! Both political parties are failing the average American and are increasingly out of touch with the concerns of the average voter. It seems to us out here that the parties are more concerned with POWER and CONTROL of candidates, rather then what is best for America. Maybe it’s time to remove the ideologue leadership that has taken over BOTH parties and find us more competent non-lawyer politician types like Trump for us to vote for who are practical and pragmatic, and who want to fix the REAL problems of our country. I would remind both parties that it is not the small far left, or far right, die hard voter bases that get your candidates elected. The reality is that it is the vastly larger majority of Americans who are moderate independent voters like my wife and I who make that happen. For my wife and I America will always be at its best when we are moderate in our political beliefs. Both of us will almost always vote for the COMPETENT candidate we feel is the most moderate, like Trump.


The DNC can't decide if Hillary rigged the nominee election...😂


Hmm, if only I knew what I know now back then. This all reeks what happened and it came from the top, not to sound tin foil hat like Alex Jones types. This isn't a joke what I'm realizing rn.


HERE WE GO AGAIN! As voters struggling to elect a viable candidate vs trump, we're saddled with the poorest of choices: in 2016, a deeply compromised and corrupt female ascendant (all pause for the celestial chorus), and now we have a barely verbal geriatric who is clearly suffering from early stage dementia. God save us


the last 30 seconds!!! ... LOVE!!! <3 #SamRonanForDNC


1 minute of Tom Perez somersaulting around the answer...Yes


Lmao you guys posted the exact same video twice
