I had my baby

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Actors: Julie Nolke
Writer: Julie Nolke
Camera: Sam Larson
Editor: Alec McKay
Production Assistant: Jill Agopsowicz
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After some blood, sweat and tears I did it, I had a full on baby... but like what do I do now? Please enjoy this week's video and drop your number 1 piece of parenting advice down below.


I hope you start an "explaining motherhood to my past self" series.


Huge congrats Julie, actually going through with a full pregnancy and labour just for a comedy sketch


Number one piece of parenting advice is to remember to feed the child. That's REALLY important.

Look back through history and you'll find that those who made the biggest contributions to our advancement were given food repeatedly, starting shortly after birth. Don't skip that step.


From a father:
As they mature, listen to your kids, as much as you advise them. That right there builds a solid foundation of trust and closeness.


Giving a baby a margarita is an absolute power move. Don't let the haters stop you from doing your thing


This is for further down the road, but when he asks a question, before you answer, ask him "What do _you_ think the answer is?". The greatest thing my mom ever did for me was teaching me how to learn. Forcing me to actually contemplate an answer myself rather than just numbly asking for it to be fed to me truly shaped me in ways that I am proud of to this day.


When I first became a mom, sometimes I really really hated it. I loved my son, but sometimes I just wanted it to all go back to how it was before. I feel like not enough people talk about those parts, and I felt really alone in that while everyone else was "enjoying every moment". Just know if you ever feel that way, it doesn't mean you're a bad mom. It just means it's really hard sometimes. You've got this. ❤


My best advice is that if you're asking yourself "am I a good mom" the answer is yes. Bad moms don't stop to self reflect on what they are doing and how they could be a better person and mother. If you're worried, you're doing it right!


When he gets a little older and you both start having a battle of wills - starts at age 2 and ends when you die - be sure to apologize to your kid when you mess up. This way, you teach him how to take accountability for his actions. Kids are people in progress. And no one expects perfection from you, because you're people too. You learn accountability, your kid learns it too, and before you know it, you've made a good adult.
I'm excited for you, and hope you take all the time you need!


For any new moms, take it a day at a time, or even just a moment at a time. Take all mommy advice with a grain of salt. You know your baby best, or you will at least at some point. There will be highs and lows, just remember the lows are temporary ❤


Feed them. Carry them around with you as much as possible. Pay attention to them. Show joy whenever you interact. It's not complicated.


All the baby knows is if you love them. The singing, laughing, cuddles. Cleaning them and feeding them healthy food. They don't care if toys are expensive or if the clothes are designer. They throw up on everything anyway. Nap and shower anytime you can. Accept help when offered, it just means someone loves you and/or the baby! (but you don't always have to accept advice... well except this)
Congratulations, that is one lucky baby😊


Man, every time I ask a mirror for advice I just get told i'm "scaring people at walmart"


Best advice I got was from a friend in her 60’s with a thick southern accent: “Don’t take anyone else’s advice. They are not you, and they don’t know your baby like you.” She told me I’d figure it out as I go. It’s the single most practical piece of advice I’ve ever gotten on parenting, and still helps me filter through the noise to find what ACTUALLY works for me and my family.


"Have a list of people who can check out the kid from daycare, keep $100 on hand and never spend it, always have a full tank of gas." Advice that was given to my mom as a single parent. Served her wonderfully. I'm 32 and she's still following it.


"Will he want a margarita when he gets up?" Hahahaha, had me rolling!


“Just keep it alive” is actually the best one. Your kid’s gonna be awesome, just like you!


Introduce them to the things you love so they can become as cool as you. My kiddo now demands to watch Lord of the Rings annually. That didn't happen without stellar parenting.


First babies are different from any future babies. Every parent goes through this "What the F do I do now?" thing. For us, first baby was preceded by 6 months of prep, buying everything, getting the perfect combination of equipment and baby care books etc etc. Absolute nightmare. Third baby was a case of picking up some nappies (diapers) from a shop on the way home from the hospital, safe in the knowledge that we'd figure everything else out as we needed to. In short....it gets better. Or at least easier. Or at least lazier. Different..er. Have fun!
