The Observer is The Observed: The Paradox of Reality by J. Krishnamurti

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The Observer is The Observed: The Paradox of Reality by J. Krishnamurti.
This video explains, how The Observer is The Observed. In the video I’ve discussed, one of the most important secret knowledge in Eastern philosophy, "the observer is the observed". These words by J. Krishnamurti, who himself was an enlightened being are so powerful that they can change your perspective towards life completely forever.
According to him, the observer is the observed, the thinker is the thought and the analyzer is the analyzed.
But for most people, it’s very difficult to understand what these lines mean and it is even more difficult to realize it. The Observer is the observed, but how?
When you observe a person or an object, you actually see it based on your own perspective and your previously stored information about it. You already have some data about the observed object.
Let me tell you that all the things or the events that we observe in this universe are meaningless until there is someone to give it some meaning. You actually observe your own imposed thoughts on the observed object. Whatever you observe about the observed; cannot cross the limits of your own thoughts about that object.
This thought includes all types of things like your stored data and your beliefs about it. You cannot imagine or think beyond your level of intelligence or imagination.
So when you build an image about something, you actually see that image in the observed object. Hence there is the image and the observer of the image.
This is the reason why everyone perceives the world according to his own perception. Therefore the same world looks different for different people.
Hence it is indeed true that the observer is the observed because the observer sees the projection of himself in the observed.
Let's try to understand it with some examples.
We believe in our own God's. What is it?
First we create a God with our imagination then worship him with great faith. So what is God here?
Our God is nothing but our thought. So ultimately we are worshiping our thoughts.
We have imposed our imagination and thoughts on our God. Hence that God is ultimately the manifestation of the thoughts of the observer. So the observed is not different from the observed. That's the reason, why our God looks like us... A human, of course a superhuman with resemblance to human body.
The same phenomenon applies when someone reads a book or scripture like Bible or Bhagwat Geeta.
We do not read it. We actually read ourselves in the book. We interpret the teachings of the scripture as per our mind.
Although words in the book are same for everyone but there would be a large difference in, what they infer.
Depth of your interpretation would be equal to the depth of your intelligence. Once you realize this that the observer is the observed, you go closer to the absolute truth. After knowing this, we experience that we are not separate. Separation is just an illusion because everything is connected.
And once you realize it, all your worries and anxieties vanish instantly. You stop chasing things, as you are now aware that all is one. What I want to achieve, I already have. Your hatred and jealousy ends completely and you start to love everyone and everything.
Because now you have understood the deepest truth and all your illusions have vanished that separate you from other. You have realized that you were actually seeing your own image in others. The observed was not separate from the observer.
The observer is the observed” from J. Krishnamurti, is the ultimate knowledge given by him.
There are two levels of understanding of anything. One is the intellectual understanding and other is the actual understanding.
But actual understanding takes place when you realize this thing in your life. When you actually get that experience and feel that you are not separate from, what you observe.
To come out of this conflict, first you need to identify your ego, which separates you from rest of the world.
To identify your ego is the first step to dissolve it.
You need to realize, how you see the whole universe from a focal point, centered at your 'I'.
After knowing the illusion of separation, you can practice mindfulness to experience how the observer is the observed.
So it's true that observer sees the observed according to his thoughts imposed on him.
Hence observed becomes the image of the observer.
So to come out of this illusion, we need to understand that everything is meaningless. We are the ones who give it our own meaning and see it accordingly.
To know the absolute truth, you need to identify this illusion then see the world objectively. You will have to remove all your biases and pre assumptions.
After getting rid of all the filters, you can see the true picture of the world and progress on the path of your spiritual journey.

#jkrishnamurti #spirituality #enlightenment
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Just found your channel unexpectedly and after watching I realized how deep your video concepts are....excellent and keep it going brother


Well explained! Everything is meaningless until we, the observer give it meaning🤗👌




The work you're doing is of great service toward humanity! Thank you brother. Blessings 🙏🏽


Nicely done. Clear and precise reflects my understanding. Now if only it could be fully realized continuously.


Good examples... Everything is meaningless we give it our own meaning 🙏Thanks for sharing


Thank you brother. This was the first time I really understood it clearly. It sank in 💚


Your words are so beautiful. Thank you for teaching me this :)


the universe speaks through you. many thanks for teaching us humanoid creatures 🙌


Hi, Engineering Made Easy,
You are right this is an unusual concept to understand - The observer is the observed, and I am not familiar with your source reference J Krishnamurthy. It is like defining a word with the same word.
However, I am familiar with the understanding “the observer effects the observed.” For me this has more practical applications, and is part of the Copenhagen understanding of quantum physics. The observer is the observed is more esoteric, it has little meaning for me at this time point.
To me, “The observer is the observed” is like looking into a mirror and observing the reflection. Then, meditating on the reflection to gain insight into the observer.
Thank you. You always stimulate my thought process.


Hi there I have been educated in one of Krishnamurti’s schools, so K has been part of my reflections for many years - more than 20 years. I think your explanation is one of the best online however I’d like to pick apart a few things and go deeper.
You explain that most of us see the world with our own images projected on it and this is why the observer is the observed - thats clear and well explained. However this concept is not the same as ‘all is one’ and I see that concept being conflated and confused with the former concept in the comments as well.
You make a sudden seemingly illogical jump at 4:30 saying ‘after knowing this we experience that we are not separate’. However seeing that we are projecting our own images onto the world and then mistakenly observing it as reality is not the same as seeing that we are not separate from the real reality. Those are two different ideas. And if the two are connected you haven’t explained how one goes to the other, you made a sudden jump.


Best way I've heard this explained, great job


I really appreciate your explanation. I never understood it until now and I can't say that I fully understood it. I think when you explained that we give meaning to the observed relates to my understanding of the double slit experiment in physics and the S. Cat in the box paradox. I am not sure if these are comparable this is the perspective I as the observer to understand your message. Thanks.


when I was a young child, I had the deep feeling that there was no separation from myself and what I saw. Are we born into non duality? the feeling faded slowly over the years until was gone.


Nondual perception is the soulsight of each other within the realization that everything is a "whole, " i.e., Nondual perception is Cosmic Consciousness.


Thank you.
I have been trying to figure out the meaning of this idea. Ding ...ding...ding..Your explanation suddenly clarifies it for me. I can relate to that.🎉🎉🎉 But how to apply it in daily life is not easy! Can you elaborate on that?


True as everything is an Illusion and everything and everyone changes with time. Nothing is permanent in this world 🌎.

Thank you for reminding 🙏🏽


I have realized this long back in my life over a day of contemplation.

But the one thing which I can't get convinced is that many people use this idealogy to hide their mistakes and sins. Many people say they perceive life in that manner. But for others it is offensive. If this is the reality then the concept of Karma and results are illusion, but that is the ultimate reality being taught in philosophical schools of eastern workd or atleast in India.

Whatever a person experience in his life are all the results on how he observed and approached things in his previous births. If the whole cosmos is designed or atleast evolved in this manner then why there are laws and punishments. Should we have limitations over knowledge atleast in the dimension the we presently live in, which is missing in the present world?

If so, then what is the outcome of it as far as karma of an individual is concerned?


It is pretty clear. The observer is the ebserved. I grant that. The second part is not clear. If a car is coming at high speed Directly towards me, am I not to move because I i am creating the car? If I must get out of the way, I must also worry about the other things that can happen to me. If somebody's taking a long time to pay me back money that I lent them, I still have to worry about that, Don't I?


Very interesting concept or is it just my
