God Talk and the African Roots of Faith with Dr. Anthony Browder

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The Black History Year production team includes Tareq Alani, Patrick Sanders, William Anderson, Jareyah Bradley, Brooke Brown, Shonda Buchanan, Eskedar Getahun, Leslie Taylor-Grover, Abeni Jones, Akua Tay, Darren Wallace and our producer, Cydney Smith.

For Limina House, our producers are Jessica Rugh Frantz and Sasha Kai Parker, who also edits the podcast. Black History Year’s Executive Producers are Julian Walker for PushBlack and Mikel Ellcessor for Limina House.
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I cam across this info in 2014. Went through the motions and in two years I am changed.


I just took the Hillsdale course on ancient Christianity. It is all about how the Roman's accomplished this tragedy. I have been attempting this deep dive myself. My secret dream is to be a college professional in urban studies...but nothing was accurate or worth teaching without more truth. Your organization of these concepts are so succinct. I love this. I need a follow up.


When you've been TOUGHT deliberate LIES by people that has no soul or spirit..Jesus is not a real person he never existed the bible has never been proven..WE ARE THE FIRST AND CHOSEN PEOPLE OF THE MOTHERLAND..✊🏿✊🏿


9:32- the first people in Asia and Europe were Africans.
East Africa=> Asia
West Africa=> Europe
10:30- Europeans-7, 000-8, 000 years old.
Africans- 250, 000 years old
11:50- origins of Christianity
12:05- Kemet => Greeks renamed to Egypt
Asar (husband), Aset (virgin wife), Set (jealous brother). Aset gave birth to Haru on Dec 25. Mission to avenge death of his father. Haru defeats Set. Asar returns from the dead and re-takes his throne of judgment.
15:06- concept of heaven and hell.
Timeline compared to Abraham and Christ.
16:00- how those stories were taken and reframed.
17:50- Napoleon- foundation of Egyptology
18:21- 2 Christian roman emperors closing off competition against Christianity. Theodosius.
20:34- still practice Christianity?
24:25- Kemet judgment day
Ma'at=>first angel. 42 declarations of innocence => 10 commandments
28:01- original sin. Nile Valley=> heaven on earth.
Migrants getting caught by ice age more north.
33:32- american politician quote- closing africans' minds. 1835. Original cause. Cultivate your relationship with divinity.
37:30- Moses and Exodus. Timeline of pyramids.


If the roots of Christianity are from the story’s of the Nile valley (Ancient Khemet Spirituality) teachings where does Judaism stand in all of this? Because we know Christian teachings and story’s and names are from a Hebrew Bible...?? Anyone able to shed a little more light on this one pls


This interview was well conducted. Very impactful as I am on my journey of spirituality. I am learning to UNLEARN everything I have been taught. As an African myself, born & raised I owe it to my ancestors. Anthony Browder is my hero to say the least!


love how you start this interview talking about the discussion with your grandmother. It allow people to let there guards down and listen.


I love the way Dr Browder breaks everything down where you can understand thanks for this knowledge


Everyone comes from Africa. ( sooner or later )


Absolutely! It all starts in our minds...we have to reprogram our minds.


Everyday my ppl help me to understand that we were blindsided my our slave masters . So thankful for all the great Historians who work hard to dig up about what the disservice the Europeans had did to us because of our greatness. They had stole and destroyed our lives I know we’re not a ppl of savage mentality we’re the ancient Egyptian ppl we’re special kind .


I am so proud to have heard this powerful information. The holocaust is not just a word that belongs to one culture! Yes it is a word to denote the historic massacre of knowledge of great people. Spiritual values denote you as a person. Religion is man's interpretation of collection of a person that is bound by monastic vows.


I would love to hear Mr Browder’s analysis of the black Hebrew Israelite movement and it’s relationship to African thought. To me it just seems misguided


I wish I could see the interview or pictures, presentation or something to help me stay focused on what was being said but I managed! Thank u.


There is not a Heaven, in the manner that we have been taught.
But there is a Haven/Heaven, in the sense, of a promised land. I do believe this❣


I bought Anthony's book 30 years ago/1993. Nile valley contribution to civilization. it set me, straight.


Keep sharing very valuable information...that's the revolution right there!


Excellent interview and interviewer. No interruptions, it was so well done. I could visualize every single thing said. Sharing! Thank you so much!


Very important Thank you so much for posting this!!!! We have to reprogram our minds and stop thinking with a slave mentality!!!! Amen!


Well I just love this, I have been on my spiritual journey for a while now, and trying to save to go to Africa so I can see and study things for myself but it's a working progress, I so want to connect and put pieces together, I always questioned what I was taught growing up and still do. So excited to have heard this
