Sound Percussion: Bass Drum Sound Effects Lesson Excerpt
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Written by Dave Black and Chris Bernotas, Sound Percussion for Individual or Group Instruction fills a need for a comprehensive percussion method that provides a clear progression of notes, rhythms, and skills. It’s perfect for both directors who are percussion specialists and non-specialists.
Sound Percussion is comprised of four student books plus a Teacher’s Score: Snare Drum / Bass Drum • Mallet Percussion • Timpani • Accessory Percussion Instruments. Each book can be used independently to focus on a particular instrument or in any combination as a full percussion ensemble. No matter which levels you’re using, all Sound Innovations books allow you to create better understanding with solid pedagogy, logical presentation of concepts, and a clean and uncluttered page layout.
Sound Percussion contains seven sections covering everything from setting up the instruments to percussion ensemble performance. Sections include: Sound Preparation • Sound Rhythm • Sound Meter • Sound Rudiments • Sound Rolls • Sound Effects • Sound Performance. Directors can work through the book(s) progressively, or jump from section-to-section in order to address the specific educational needs of their students. The mallet book, however is more sequential by nature of note introduction.
The included comprehensive videos help demonstrate techniques, allowing for better comprehension and fostering at-home practice. Videos include:
• Sound combinations with full percussion ensemble
• Sound combinations with only mallets and timpani in order to build independence
• Roll demonstrations including how to perform buzz rolls and open rolls, as well as applying duple and triplet rolls to make the most musical sound
• Four mallet grip and demonstration
• Sound effects instruction and demonstrations
• Rolls on timpani, cymbals, bass drum, and other accessory percussion instruments
• Full recordings of “Stars and Stripes Forever,” and “Engage”—an original percussion ensemble piece