Can You Win This Game?

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Would you pay to make things fair, or maximize your profit? Let me know below in the comments!

The sum of the pot is all of the money I had in my wallet:
$98.42 US Dollars
1100 Indonesian Rupiah
5 Swiss Francs
$0.20 Australian Dollars

And papercraft stop-motion by Vanessa.

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I would propose 50/50 and I would most likely accept anything over 20%.
But like she said, the best would just to accept any offer since you get more than 0% of the money.


I feel like everyone is offering me 50/50 so I agree with you. Are you all really that nice?!


maybe i'm just a nice person, because my first thought was 50/50 lol


I think how big the pot is would effect most people's judgement, in addition to how wealthy they are.

For example, I think most people would turn down an offer of 55/45 if the pot was $10, simply because $4.50 isn't that much to give up out of spite. Likewise, if the pot was a million, anyone who isn't rich would likely accept 99/1 simply because $10, 000 is still too much to throw away out of spite.


I would offer 100% just to throw the experimenters off. Bet they won't be expecting that.


My answer would depend on the amount of money in the pot.
It seems obvious that if we're talking about a pot of 10 dollars, it doesn't rellay cost me much to "pay for equality". If we're talking about a pot of 1 million dollars, I would accept even 5%.

If the amount of money is sufficiently small (and that "sufficiently" depends on my situation, my mood when I take the test, and so many things) I'll accept 50% or more, but refuse any inequal proposal.
If the amount of money is sufficiently large, or should I say if the unfair proposal gives my enough money, I would accept. How much would it be ? I would say around a hundred dollars.

If I have to make the cut, I'd always pick 50/50. Let's be honest, we both want to maximise our profits. We both want 50% or more. I'm making an assumption : nobody would refuse that choice. It's unsure, but I'll take that risk. If the amount of money is really large I would even consider picking 40 FOR ME/60 for you. I'm not sure I'd do that, it'd depend of my judgment of your greediness.


The first time I encountered this 'game' my instinctive reaction was that 50/50 was the obvious/only offer, it never occurred to me that I could get more than half. I have no idea what that says about my morals or brain chemistry.


I would distract the other person, take the pot, and run.


The only way to truly win the Ultimatum Game is by offering 50/50. No one can refuse 50/50 because it's fair.


You're doing a fantastic job. This is a really informative, entertaining and well presented channel.


I would offer a 50/50 split because you would be most likely to accept it. Then we both win.


I don't see why anyone would reject the money. It's completely illogical.


I get money I didn't have
You don't reject my offer cause you get more money


A couple years late here, but my first thought was to split it 50/50. Ultimately it is the fairest way to split it up and everyone should be able to walk away happy


I would offer 60/40 in my advantage.
When I thought about this, I noticed I would be far less likely to accept a 53/47 deal in my disadvantage than a 60/40 deal in my disadvantage, even though I get more money. With the 53/47 deal, it seems that the person offering is trying to trick me. He/she wants me to think the deal is fair, when it's not. With the 60/40 deal, the person is being honest: I want both of us to have some money, but I want more. The 60/40 deal seems more rational, honest and clear.


If we always take unfair offers then in the long run the other side will keep pushing to see how much they can get away with. That's why you have to draw the line. In fact, in this situation you would hold just as much power as the other side because you have the option to not allow the other side to get anything. So you have no reason to belittle yourself by taking an unfair offer.


I would propose 99/1 where I get 99% of the money. There isn't really a good reason to reject it because if you do then you wouldn't get anything, compared to let's say $100 if there was $10, 000 in the pot. It's like saying "nah, I don't want $100." Why would you turn down $100 dollars just because I'm getting $9, 900. It shouldn't matter how much money I'm getting because you are getting some money no matter what and I just don't see any reason to turn down free money.

So yeah that's just my opinion on this. Don't judge. :)


Assuming it wasn't against the rules, would any of you accept 100/0?
If so, why? or why wouldn't you?
Would you not let someone win some money just because you wouldn't get anything out of it?

Another thought: In this kind of game, is there some kind of implicit extortion like "If you don't give me enough money, I don't let you win anything either"? In that case, is not accepting a bad offer merely the consequence of not complying with this?
Then again, normally in a shakedown, the consequence doesn't serve any purpose except to keep your word that you'd cause some damage if your conditions aren't met, and not to lose credibility.

Let's say you tell the person making the offer that, if they offer you less than 20% you would not accept. If they offered you 18%, what good would it do you not to accept? would it be a punishment? Would it be not to lose credibility, so that next time they knew that you truly wouldn't accept anything less than 20%? And what if there was no next time?
Would you not accept 18% just to make a point?

Please tell me what you think :)


id give you everything because this channel is awesome


One time I played a variation of this game for a class in school, the way it works is there are 2 options, A and B, two people would go up to each other and write down their option without the other person seeing it, if both people pick A they both get 100 points, but if one person picks A and one person picks B, the one who picks B gets gets 70 points and the one who picked A gets 30 points, and lastly if both people pick B they each get 50 points, I personally  chose A with every person I met and had found that very few other people had the same idea, although I think this is more of a game of common sense than it is of fairness, like the one in the video.
