Oxygen Not Included Volcanea - Hydroponic Farming // EP2

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» Oxygen Not Included is a space-colony simulation game with a lot of engineering elements. Volcanea is an asteroid made up of a lot of magma which is difficult to work around and radiates heat a lot of heat to increase the difficulty significantly. I will be using all of the story traits but not using Spaced Out DLC. This series is a result of a weekly poll where you can vote for the game I play.

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finally got through my backlog of your videos and super hyped for this series, especially as i am learning oxygen not included right now and got the dlc! Your videos are always very entertaining


About the discussion of restarting a lot (around the 10-minute mark), I am definitely one of those people who restart too much. But how do I gauge what is a big mistake and what isn't? For example, I recently messed up my water purification plant and ended up with a tiny bit of food poisoning in my water supply. It didn't seem to lead to anything bad short-term though, but I never know. Do I simply need to keep playing and see what matters and what doesn't?
(I suppose I could just look it up for every mistake I make, but that would get tedious quickly and feel a bit "cheaty")

By the way, I really apprecate these playthroughs, they're a blast to watch and help a lot to get my priorities right in the game as well! I wasn't able to catch this stream due to traveling, but I hope to be able to tune in to the next one!


Oxygen not included but good time always included .. thanks for this new series on this fun game


Early farming is mealworm and pickle it. Just make sure to pick the best spot that's gonna be ideal temp. Do bristle berry if u have tons of water


Not sure if it's just on my end, but this episode is coming up first on the playlist, not 2nd.


Just put on a door and give them a proper barracks already. =)=)


I want to pet the dogs, while watch you play.


This game is so complex, I'm actually afraid playing it myself, even though, as a bio-chemist, I have a science background. ONI is one of the few games I just watch LPs of, without playing it myself.
