How to Play Tarzan in Dungeons & Dragons (Disney Build for D&D 5e)

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Today we have a build for Tarzan in Dungeons & Dragons! If you want to be the king of the Jungle in D&D 5e this will bring Disney's animal king to your game.

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Phil Collins went absolutely ham on the soundtrack for this movie, and Phil Allen went absolutely ham on making this good good build


Also grab the magic initiate feat for the Thaumaturgy cantrip, wich allows you to scream 3x louder


"Hey DM, I was wondering if we could use different background music for this campaign."
"Sure! What did you have in mind?"


I wish WotC kept the UA version of Beast Master, where the beast has its own initiative and actions (so that you don’t need to sacrifice your own action economy to issue commands when talking is a free action), and your beast buddy gets ASIs whenever you do. Really allows the beast buddy to grow like any other character that gains experience instead of being an oversized familiar or a summon that doesn’t need a spell slot.


Oh my god, I’m literally watching Tarzan right now and I see this uploaded. It must be a sign! I don’t know what it’s a sign of but it’s a sign!


“*&&x%! Not Clayton!”
-Tarzan delivering the best line in the first Kingdom Hearts

Also, a surprising amount of parallels between Tarzan and the next build (that’s the only hint y’all are getting this time).


Episode 303 of the Fire Emblem stats: Tarzan.
He's great at brawling, lances, and faith (based on his Kingdom Hearts incarnation who's a bit of a healer), has a budding talent in authority since he becomes king of the jungle at the end, and has weaknesses in both heavy armor and reason since he's an illiterate man who has only ever worn a loincloth for most of his life.
Since he treats trees like a surfer, it's no surprise that he's really good with dexterity and luck. He's bad with mostly just magic due to how he doesn't need it to succeed.


About why Jane fell in love with Tarzan, I don't think its because he saved her life (at least not entirely), but because he's a himbo, in this essay I will-


Great video as always, but there is one thing slightly amiss: with the addition of TCE, you can command your Primal Companion to attack with your bonus action as well, so you don't need to give up one of your attacks for that. Here's the excerpt from the book:

"It can
move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. You can also sacrifice one of your attacks when you take the Attack action to command the beast to take the Attack action."

Since you can command anything in its stat block, that includes its respective Attack action. Yes, you can also give up one of your attacks to command it to Attack, but you don't have to, that's just another option; you can just use your bonus action instead, which is generally better.

EDIT: had mistyped the book acronym


Tarzan represents all of us in quarantine. Think about it: he grew his hair out long, never wears proper clothes, and barely speaks English. He also began talking to his pets out of desperation.


A variant human ranger (with a level in Monk) who was found by a colony of apes as a baby, and raised by them. As he grew, he learned how to survive by observing other animals and copying their abilities as best he could.


Clayton choked on his words, while Tarzan has Phil Collins on his side. Uncle Iroh build, who needs Phil Collins when you can sing your own songs?


Cool video. As a reader of the Tarzan novels I would just point out that Tarzan's primary weapons are first a Hunting knife which remains his primary weapon, a lasso he self fashions from the vines, grass and other natural resources of the jungle and becomes quite expert in, and later a bow with poisoned tipped arrows, which he replenishes from the Negro tribesmen he kills or which he steals from their village while routinely pranking them.

Additionally by the time Tarzan reaches 20 years old he has taught himself to read and write, figure out rudimentary locks, though not speak. Also he grows to become nearly equal in strength to a full grown male Ape.

In terms of his reflexes, he is described as being "lightning" and dodges such animals as lions, leopards and boar with ease.

I would encourage anyone with an interest in the character to read Burroughs "Tarzan of the Apes", as it is a real page turner.

Thank you again for the video. I've been sure to vote it up and save it among my favorites for possible play.


"You're playing Tarzan because you like animals"
No, I want to play Tarzan because Tarzan is badass


1:00 All your questions are answered in the books. He finds his parent's cabin, and teaches himself to read! From there, he tries to emulate the pictures he sees. He shaves with his father's knife. He rescues a French guy, and learns to speak that before English.


“You can absolutely fall in love with low charisma. You just have to save someone from a leopard “


This was literally my favourite movie as a kid, and I do still love it to this day. This is a good build for him.


Thank you so much! I was really curious which video you would make for my birthday. And a Disney character I grew up loving was great to start the day with.


Great video! I mean, I haven‘t watched it yet. but…

11 minutes later: Yeah, great video. Good to see some love for Beast Master.


That bit about Tarzan using Animal Messenger just reminded me of the Far Side gag where Tarzan is rehearsing an eloquent greeting in his head, but it comes out as “Me Tarzan! You Jane!”, and he’s really embarrassed.
