Darkest Dungeon OST - Town in Chaos - Stuart Chatwood (2016) HQ Official

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"Town in Chaos" - music from the video game "Darkest Dungeon"
Music composed by Stuart Chatwood (2016)

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Okay, /wow/. I've always loved the music in darkest dungeon, it's spectacular - but going through youtube, listening to various soundtracks, I only just realized you're *also* the composer of the Prince of Persia music!! Incredible damn job, man, probably makes you my all-time favourite composer. Damn good quality of work, spanning from then to now!


"Wolves at the door"?

"You picked the wrong house, fool!"


Vvulf: Wait, is this boss music for them or for me?


When the Hamlet is slightly more of a hell than usual.


*_Flames on the horizon, sulfur in the air - the wolves are at the door!_*


The party: Man, this place smells, is broken, and barely looks livable.
Vvolf: So... I can take it right?
The party: *I never said it wasn't mine*


I had to retreat and Dismas chose to stay and hold them off resulting in his death. He didn't die horribly by the eldritch or the beasts. He died protecting the hamlet, our home.


“Many fall in the face of chaos. But not this one, not today”


When I heard this song for the first time, I remember thinking,


*edit* one of the songs that makes you feel like an actual hero. Fantastic job, looking forward to more music in the next game.


Thanks for your comments! They keep me going...


I like to imagen that all the shop keepers, service providers, and everyone in my roster is fighting their own battles somewhere desperatly defending the Hamlet as best they can, I also like the symbolism of you, your party, and others offscrean fighting Vulf and his brigands in the town square under the watchful eye of The Ancestor. Loved this mission.


I love how the most difficult enemy in the game is just a man.. compared to the myriad of horrors your party has faced, the countless number of undead and abhorrent monstrosities..

And yet here you stand, in the face of oblivion. Not at the steps of Hell nor at the precipice of darkness.. but in your very own town. Your safe haven. Not even the terrors would dare launch such a heinous and, should I say, daring raid?

You've all forgotten who you are. Men and women with human souls, human wills. These are your strengths. You have ironed them on the pain of failure, the agonizing madness that has made you more powerful than any Eldritch relic could ever make you..

You face that ten-fold now, in the form of just a man. A man with a will, a man with a purpose.. if even so simple..

*To destroy everything you hold dear. To end your quest. That is the harbinger of your demise.. a man named Vvulf.*


Flames in the horizon.
Sulphur in the air.
The wolves are at the door!

Everything burns.


The brigands are swarming everywhere, looting every house, barrel, and building they come across.
The townspeople have fled over the hills, praying that they will have a home to come back to once the smoke abides.
The brigands are cheerful, thinking that they are wolves descending on lambs. But suddenly, the cheers turn into shouts of confusion and pain. Out of an alley steps a masked man, in a fools hat and garbs, his bells jingling with every step. He stares down the overwhelmed brigands. One of them dash towards the man, swinging his sword. The masked figure deftly leaps to the side, and from his garbs comes a viciously curved sickle - he swings it at blinding speed, gashing the brigand, causing blood to sputter over the street. The screams of pain induces a soft chuckle behind his mask.

The brigands, too shocked by what they just saw to move, finally attacks, but suddenly, a dagger whizzes through the air from the shadows - lodging itself into a musketeer, the brigand slumps over with gargling sounds. Two more daggers finds two more throats, as a pale lady in a long hat and blue, simple robes steps out of the dark. She easily sidesteps a sword thrusting for her, then draws a pickaxe from her back - she steps away from another swing, then brings the pickaxe around to bury it in the heart of her attacker.

The brigands are rallying to meet the counterattack, but without warning, tentacles appear seemingly out of nowhere, gripping the legs of several bandits. As they struggle to get free, a globe of glass whizzes through the air and shatters next to them, spreading a corrosive acid. Their screams die on their lips as their expressions of fear melts away with the rest of their bodies.

The bandits are converging. In a corner of the street, they see a woman in an armored nun's robe, holding her battle mace high - flares of light seems to focus and shift as injuries on the towns defenders close themselves. She is cornered by the brigands and their bloodhounds, but from an alleyway, a massive man in full armor emerges, wielding a terrifying mace and a broad shield.
They break off to attack him, but he blocks their every attack and forces his way through them to their quarry. As a lumbering taskmaster swings his whip, it is met by the thud of metal - before he can recuperate, the man in armor swings his mace and it meets his head with terrifying force - THE GROUND QUAKES! As the bandit tries to recover, a figure taps his shoulder from behind, and the smell of gunpowder and the sound of a burning fuse is the last thing he knows, as a pistol fires straight into his brain. The highwayman have joined the fray.

The brigands realize that they cannot win, and are retreating in force - but their retreat is cut off by a terrifying sight. A man clad in metal, and a terrifying mask, red with brigand blood. He swings a massive greatsword, easily cleaving two brigands in twain with force of impact that sends the brigands reeling - A DEVASTATING BLOW!

They have nowhere to run now. The defenders encircle them, and as the swordsmen form up to defend their musketeers, they suddenly start falling. The bandits spin around to see a barbaric-looking woman in a long fur coat, moving at impossible speed, cutting them up with a long, terrifying glaive - she spins around, faces the bandits, and lets lose a battlecry so terrible that it completely dazes the brigands - AAAHKLORAAAH!!! As she cuts into them together with the other defenders, a terrible voice bellows, commanding the bandits to stand their ground. The bandits leader have entered the scene, bringing with him a great shield and a gigantic barrel of bombs. As the brigands form up behind him, the town defenders does the same, both sides preparing for a final battle...


I like how everyone is looking either menacing and heroic, and then you've got the jester, frowning while aggressively strumming his lute.

Edit: thanks to stuart for the heart, love your work <3


Brigand Vvulf: Ha! Easy pickings!
4 adventurers: Hippity, hoppity, get off my property!


I love how one of the best people you can bring to this area the MaA is a general that can guard and give orders like Vulf honestly pretty poetic


Darkest Dungeon wouldn't be half the game it is without the amazing narrator and soundtrack. I hope there's some new areas and encounters down the line just so we can hear more great music.


I've always wondered how it would work out if more than four heroes could be sent on one quest, especially with the Vvulf bandit invasion. Shouldn't *all* the heroes be involved in defending their home? That would be a truly epic battle. Maybe it would be like the Vvulf in his summoning of endless bandits, where if one of your heroes suffers a deathblow, you can choose another hero to take the fallen's place.


Send these vermin a message; the rightful owner has returned and their kind is no longer welcome. - This game and music are inspiring. keep up the fantastic work!
