Why Population Decline Is Good?

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Why Population Decline Is Good? This question echoes throughout our exploration, as we uncover the positive aspects of a diminishing population. From environmental benefits to economic opportunities, we'll showcase why embracing this decline is crucial for our collective well-being.

As we discuss why population decline is good, it's essential to acknowledge the environmental implications. With fewer people, there's less strain on our planet's resources, fostering sustainability for future generations. The video explores how a smaller population can lead to a reduced carbon footprint and a more balanced ecosystem.

Economically, we'll delve into the untapped potential that comes with a declining population. Contrary to common belief, a shrinking workforce can lead to increased job opportunities, innovation, and a higher quality of life for individuals. By challenging the narrative around population decline, we aim to inspire a shift in perspective.
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Believing in endless growth on a finite Planet makes you ... an economist.


I am 70 yrs old, and I remember well what the world was like with half the population it has today. The world was just fine with 4 billion people, quality of life, at least in US, better. You could travel without all thr crowds and overtourism—actually experience real Italian and French culture. Now it is so diluted with tourists the old cultures seem almost gone. Less pollution, better food, more animals alive then or weren’t endangered then. This bulls$#t about more babies is better for economic growth is insane given what our overpopulation and consumption is doing to the planet. It seems to me that the economy was doing fine in the 60s and 70s (college virtually free then, healthcare affordable) with far less people. And so it will again. The economy will adjust. The planet will heal. Big business will have to adjust their expectations.


I think people take our planet, water, food for granted like as if it doesn’t have a limit 🤷‍♀ hopefully soon everyone will start realising it does have a limit and that we need to take care of it to survive 👍 💓


ghost town exploring and treasure hunting will be a bigger thing in the future


People’s life would be way better if population decreased


At the current decline in 400 years the Earth population will be less than 650 million and it will continue to decline by %50 every 100 years. This does not include the male decline in mammal sperm count. This is a worldwide impact that is poorly understood at this time. AI and bot workers may keep the economy going --I would expect the eventual collapse will solve the problem with a return to farming families. 💁💁‍♂💁‍♀🙅👱‍♀👱‍♂👴🧓


Its not that I dont think humanity can sustain a large population, its that I think we couldnt sustain a dramatic increase as we have more than doubled the global population in less than a century.

It was around 3 billion in the 60s, and we just reached 8 billion recently.

But a drastic decline is not the essence of what could bring benefits, but rather the REACTION to it.

Its happening now, though the attempts are pathetic, governments are recognizing the decline and trying to make benefits (if we can even call it that) to encourage people to have children.

They want to try and pay new parents a lump sum, they want to try providing discounts on child care or items, they want to provide more leave and lenient schedules for work. Course all their attempt havent been helpful because its simply not enough, but its a start.

Us refusing to provide the government with a population that they can exploit will force them to provide better conditions for their current population that can encourage people to become parents. Essentially, making most if not everything affordable and sustainable as that is a commonality between any and everyone that doesnt have kids, whether they want them or not. We all feel pessimistic about the future because we can barely sustain ourselves independently and would feel guilt to put another human through that as its only natural to want better for children, whether theyre ours or not.

We increased too quickly and the governments got too comfortable making the systems dependent on exploiting its population and always ready to replace people when they are displeased instead of improving things that make people wanna stay and do better.

If you want human growth, be it population or overall quality, then encourage that growth through making the proper changes.



If there was less people people will live more happier and less stress


In the future were gonna be like if u gonna have a kid it better be more smart basiclly thats what we need more smarter people not avg human big brains with a lot of neurons


In theory South Korea should be the most stable country then. I am in the wait and see camp. Lets see if South Korea's experiment on declining birth rate will be beneficial for them.


I also believe its good means more things too buy and create and more opportunities for the future and more space


I can't see the world population growth slowing down although I can see population shifts happening the main reason is Africa and the middle east along with Asian countries outside of China and Japan, all the projections are off the chart


also economy will be actually stable because old people will d1e not young people


This is an amazing video very entertaining and informative keep up the great work!!:)


There isn’t a single example in history where the demographic pyramid inverted like it is in most of the west and Asia right now. It won’t be sustainable. We don’t even have an economic model for this. If you are old, inflation will corrode your social security checks. If you are young, prepare to be taxed through the roof to pay for the bill. Economic collapse and stagnation will come way, way faster than any ecological disaster. Countries that somehow maintain their replacement birth rates of 2.1 will thrive, while those that don’t will implode under the weight of their own tax burden. A lot of human suffering is coming from this economic hardship, so no, this collapse is not good.


4:20 “If we change our economy to one that focuses on sustainability and equality, then a declining population can actually be a good thing” you may want to get into specifics here, because that video sure sounds like it’s full of wishful thinking. A continuously growing population and economy _does not_ have to mean continuously harming the planet: efficiency, renewables, fusion energy, sustainable agriculture… there are tons of initiatives and promising technologies that justify keeping the fertility rate above 2.1
