Zucchinis Make Bad Companion Plants - Garden Quickie Episode 85

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Zucchinis Are Best Grown Alone. I love companion planting and interspecies crop rotating, don't get me wrong. But not all plants play well with others and some are just an outright terrible choice for it.

Today, I got 3 reasons why you should never companion plant Zucchinis. Even though they are one of my favorite crops, these 3 huge drawbacks mean I always grow them by themselves.

2022 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back on track!

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#zucchini #squash #gardening
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If you're just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

pH/Water/Light Meter

Composting Tumbler!

Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

Hand Pruners:

Watering Can:

Spray Gun:

Gardening Gloves:


You Rock Jeff! Rock on with your bad self 👍😆


Thank you Jeff! We're burning up in North Texas. I'm ready to start over this fall, crazy hot Temps here, everything is crispy and not producing.
Going to try using a alumnet for shade cloth next year.


Ummm Thanks Jeff. I have noticed the squash do seem to be the first hit with the mildews. I'm glad you put this out! I had 6 planned to go in with my tomatoes, this round...Not, this time! I'm going to rehome them, now. 😆


Great tip. I just started to grow some zucchini and squash next to our company building. It's great fun to see the plants grow and flower but even more fun to see them taking over the gravel that we were looking at 😁


Hey Jeff, allays good information's from you, oh dear, here in Ontario, Canada, the powdery mildew is a big issue, bc of the humidity.But I always plant more to have as a back up plan.Thank you .Be blessed.


You sure are right about bully squash! Twice now I have had to trim back our Red Kuri winter squash vines in our No-Till garden. They wanted to take over three extra tomato plants and a third planting of beans. I stuck those tomatoes and beans where the squash has never traveled in the past three years. The darn things changed course this year. Some things you just can't count on lol! Enjoyed, take care!


This video could not have come at a better time. I had no idea about this and quickly rehomed a zucchini that was getting quite unruly in my small raised bed


I use the 3 sisters method. With corn and pole beans.


Great plants. Reliable to provide plenty of fruit.
I grew zucchini with Tomato, Beets, and Onion in one Bed. Tom's along the back in a row. Zucchini one end, Onion in the middle and Beets the other end.


I planted zucchini by itself. It's away from the rest of the garden. Last year my neighbour put zucchini in with the raspberries, near the grape vines. Almost ruined all three because of the aphids and mildew. They are now growing zucchini in pots, away from most of the rest of the garden.


true indeed, the zucchini bread makes it all worth it for me.


I saw this too late, add yes some of my zucchini and squash have the beginnings of powdery mildew. I just planted one I traded for, it's well developed but looking a bit yellow. And a few of mine on blue boxes ( recycling repurposed) are to crowded and showing little white patches. Tried to get rid of them. Ok so why I'm commenting for is to say thank you. My husband and I are second year gardeners and didn't know to put these things by themselves. One is smack dab in the middle of the peas!!! I love my peas! Last year I lost a whole section of peas to powdery mildew at the back of my house near the tomatoes. Was that a bad idea too? Love these training videos, thanks a bunch and God bless.


Nice video. Stay connected & Stay safe. ❤


One reason why I have banished zukes to containers.


We had to pass on growing Courgettes(Zuccinis) this year as last year they grew so well we were inundated with shed loads of them!
And that was after giving some to the neighbours as well! :)


Good evening from England UK, My Strawberries have finished fruiting 😏 Elsanta is the name of them so they are early ones.So Autumn is not that far away it's August now.lm getting the odd flower on my plants but don't turn into a delicious red Strawberry 🍓 Do l cut it off or just leave it to do its thing! Just found you channel tonight and I'll have a good look.Thankyou so very much 🌱🌱🌱💕


Lol doing containers cumbers as well. But I see most males flower 🌼 dang.


Past two years I have had beautiful zucchini plants with no zucchini. Male flowers only and I don’t over fertilize. Switched seeds and type, same problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, this is exactly why my squashes are grown in their own area well away from other crops.
