Custom Dynamics 365 CRM Integration in Business Central

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Hi Erik, this video was very useful for me. Thank you for making such videos showing ways that otherwise would be very difficult to find. Thank you again.


Hi Erik, this is one of he most valuable Video I found anyway about custom integration!
I'm tryin to map the 'Document date field' to new field in custom field in CRM ''Invoice Date' within 'Sales Invoice Header' table
Not sure what I'm missing, here is my code unit:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"CDS Setup Defaults", 'OnAfterResetConfiguration', '', true, true)]
local procedure Record "CDS Connection Setup")
IntegrationFieldMapping: Record "Integration Field Mapping";

crmInvoice: Record "CRM Invoice";
bcInvoice: Record "Sales Invoice Header";


bcInvoice.FieldNo("Document Date"),
'', true, false);


Hi, Erik!
Thanks for your work, you share really important knowldge and you do it in a way that everything is clear (at least for me personally=). A also have a question about tables with TableType = 'CRM'; Do they store data in SQL? And also can I subscribe to their Trigger Events (like OnAfterInsertEvent)? I'd really apperciate your answer!


Wow, thank you! Is there something you can point to to show how you would do something the opposite way, so the sales team can get information about current jobs, and/or maybe the customers' unpaid balance, etc?


Have you come across any 3rd party tools to handle integration between CRM & BC to make it easier for front-end users to manage integration fields & tables?

Love your channel!!


Hi Erik,
Thank you for such a great video,
Do you have any idea about integrating choices column type with business central? I have integrated Option/Lookup it worked fine, but not sure about choices, especially Bi-directional syncronization.
Best Regards


Hi Erik,
thanks a lot for this video.
I have a question about solving this warning. Do you need to continue until all warnings are solved or is it sufficient to only fix them on the table you actually want to integrate with?

If you want to fix all warnings then we'll finally end up with all tables. Nice but maybe not necessary?


Hi, Erik Thanks for the video. Is there a way to map fields with table relation? When I try to do this on version 24 It gives this error: "The field Item No. must not have a relationship with another table." How to sync data on such fields?


Hi Erik,
Thanks for this important video!

I'm currently working on the BC-CE integration. I have a column on the CE side in the Accounts table which is lookup type (having a custom table on the CE side) and I would like sync this column value to BC Customer Entity. I have added the same column in CRM Account extension table in BC with Data type=Text and I put the exactly ExternalName & ExternalType=String but while syncing the Customer from CE to BC this column is not getting populated. It means on the CE side the field type is lookup but on the BC side the data type is text (string) there any problem? do I need to create any transformation rules or do I have to use the same data type which is Lookup on the BC side as well?

Thanks in advance!


Thanks Erik for the hard work however I'm new to BC development but learned a lot from you, I really appreciated. I have a question, I want to integrate the "Item Variant" table from Business Central to CRM custom entity, Can you please guide me trough the steps. I want to link the custom CRM "Product Variant" entity to products to pull out data from Business Center Item Variant table. Thanks


Do you have triggers on the CRM Tables? etc. OnModify, to detect changes made in CRM from BC.


Hi Erik, could you may give an advice for a good architectural approach to connect several BC environments (different localisations) with 1 global CRM instance? for me it is not 100% clear how all of this is intended to be. Kind regards, Christoph


This is awesome! I have tried this out, but when it comes to option members, in the accounts table from CRM, I have some fields where the option members in CRM contains spaces, but in the accounts table generated with PowerShell all the spaces are removed. Do you have any idea as to why this is happening? Thanks.


Hi Erik, me again
would you have a hint on how to integrate these tables that are actually Option/Choice on CRM side?
I want to create Paym Methods on BC and synch them ToIntegration, but it is not working. It does not even generate Synch Job Log.


Hi Eryk, I came into an issue while using the power automate connector and trying to update a customer record using update record and using the standard API but the Mobile no. Is not exposed any ideas why?


Hi Erik, this works like a charm on sandbox, but I´ve a further issue when trying to install the app on the BC production environment, it is given me an error stating that lot of field id´s are outside the range, but the thing is the id´s are given by the Altpgen.exe tool when creating the al proxy table from customer or contact CRM tables. Do you know how to fix that?
Thanks in advance!


Hi Erik,
i am integrating Country List from BC (Lookup) to CRM (free text).
One step is to create the Country Table in Dataverse (4-5 fields, easy).
What if it was a huge table with tens of fields? Should we create it manually?
Any chance to copy the existing structure from BC to Dataverse just as you've shown with altpgen.exe?
Thanks 👍


Does OnAfterInsertEvent Trigger or any other trigger work on this TableType?


How can I map account Id to a customer no field for a custom table, do I need to include in field mappings


Hi Erik Thanks for this video I want to now how is possible to do field mapping with Field "Type" from Item to msdyn_fieldserviceproducttype field in CRM Product Table. They have different option values. And It doesn't work properly. I need Please write If you have any Idea how to do this.
