3 Amazing Things To Do After You Die!

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At some point, we're all going to die, but what are we going to do with all our bodies? Cemeteries are becoming overpopulated, so there's limited space in the ground. Cremation saves space. But what about being made into a diamond? Or being shot into space? Anthony lists out the 3 coolest things you can do after you die.

Read More:
City Cemeteries Face Gridlock
"Those of us among the living all know New York City can be maddeningly expensive, whether one is shopping for a $40 million mansion on Fifth Avenue, or a $2,500 studio walk-up in a former tenement on the Lower East Side."

Do Cemetery Plots Have Expiration Dates
"In the movie Poltergeist, the Freeling family is haunted by spirits who don't appreciate the fact that Mr. Sleazy Developer built a subdivision on top of their resting place."

America's Looming Burial Crisis
"We already know aging baby boomers are causing big shifts in the consumer marketplace: knee replacement surgeries have surged and public service ads warning seniors about STDs have cropped up on the sides of buses."

What Are the Elements in the Human Body?
"Most of the human body is made up of water, H20, with cells consisting of 65-90% water by weight."

Meet the Man Who Transforms Corpses into Diamonds
"Rinaldo Willy's job is to transform dead people into precious stones."

LifeGem - Ashes to Diamonds
"LifeGem is a certified, high-quality diamond created from a lock of hair or the cremated ashes of your loved one as a memorial to their unique life."

Diamond 'Flaws' Pave Way for Nanoscale MRI
"By exploiting flaws in miniscule diamond fragments, researchers say they have achieved enough coherence of the magnetic moment inherent in these defects to harness their potential for precise quantum sensors in material that is 'biocompatible'."

Sending Your Ashes into Space Just Got a Lot Cheaper
"For less than $2000, loved ones can send a vial of your cremains into orbit, then track their final journey by phone."

Earth Orbit Service
"Our Earth Orbit service affordably launches a symbolic portion of cremated remains into space aboard Celestis spacecraft."

Quantum Computer Built Inside A Diamond
"Diamonds are forever -or, at least, the effects of this diamond on quantum computing may be."

Crematorium to Help Heat Homes in Swedish Town
"A Swedish crematorium criticised for environmental pollution has come up with a novel way to save energy: it will heat buildings in the surrounding town from the crematorium furnaces."

Mummification of Transference
"It is a Neverending Story whole mystery and intrigue will always captivate us."

10 Crazy Things to Do When You're Dead
"If turning yourself into a tree sounds like the way to go, you have at least two afterlife options."

Watch More:
Donate Your Body to Science
TestTube Wild Card
What Is Dead?


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"But you're a gem already" Smooth, very smooth.


I wanna become a poltergeist that haunts corrupt politicians. That'd be fun.


I have to do stuff _after_ I die? That wasn't part of the deal!


I don't care about what happens to my body when I die.


I will turn myself into a diamond splitted in different jewelry that my family will carry along, I'll always be with them. When they miss me, they can always look at the diamond and remember I will always be there for them.


Possible space core reference? Well I'm making a note here: Huge Success.


The irony... money can buy you a ticket to heaven after all.


Step 1: Organ and tissue donation for medicine and research. Lets save lives people.
Step 2: Cremate the remains. (Whatever they can't use)
Step 3: Lets do that diamond thing.
Step 4: Have said diamond set into a brand new family heirloom.
Alternative, one of those mushroom seeded deathshrouds after viable organs and tissue are harvested for transplants.


Turning my dead body into diamond, and giving a whole new meaning to family jewels, nice.


what about not diying in the first place?


I want my conscience to be uploaded to a massive artificial inteligent computer robot things like HAL9000 so i can live until everything dies lol


Okay my question is, wouldn't sending the ashes into orbit mean even more space debris to worry about.


I heard about a company in Italy that will put your body in a biodegradable pod which has a tree growing out of it and the tree grows from your remains.


That gem idea sounds pretty cool... I can finally be part of a computer!


i kinda want to do it old style die, get my friends and family to put me in a coffin, put me in a boat, pour gasoline in the boat, float down the river, than shot a flaming arrow on the boat watch me burn a little THAN DRINK AND PARTY!!!


When I die, I want to be turned into a diamond and given to my husband as a new ring...
Too morbid?


I would pay like 1 mil to be send and land on Mars in a tiny capsule of when I'm dead, and be buried by people that come along later, I'll be the first dead guy on Mars :D


Plastination - Turn yourself into (no longer) living art.

Incineration was my original plan, but yeah, it's not exactly a clean process, nor is it useful.


Only Problem I have with being an Organ Donor is that they put it on your Drivers license what if I'm in a near death situation and the Paramedics see that I'm a donor and think 'Ehhh We need a liver and some more ass skin'.


I want my corpse to be preserved and used for a children's puppet show....
