Mass Effect Lore - Biotics In The Mass Effect Universe

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Join Rima as she takes a brief look into the lore of Biotics and how they affect the Mass Effect universe.

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I love using biotic powers. They just feel very powerful and rewarding, and if they existed in real life, (provided that they were affordable and safe) I'd get them in a heartbeat.


I went to the doctor.
He gave me some antibiotics.
I still felt sick.
Went back to the doctor.
He gave me some antivanguard.


Bioware made a mistake there imo, they should have included biotic options for solving situations differently and the characters should have had some special dialogs for adepts/vanguards/guardians, just like in dragonage with the mages. The game gives you the intention that biotics are a really strong power, but shepard literally never uses them out of combat, which is destroying my immersion a bit. Well, maybe its not a that big deal but still they could have done better, I hope they include sth like that in Andromeda


I think that one thing that is important to the human response to biotics is something you only briefly touched on and that is cancer.

From my reading of the codex and other materials, the vast majority of humans in utero exposed to eezo develop cancer. It is just that the individuals who develop biotics have their tumors develop in just the right way to create this amazing power without killing them. This would undoubtedly lead to bitterness as parents have to watch their children die in agony early in life while others survive and even began to demonstrate seemingly supernatural powers. The fact that the exposures were caused by industrial accidents and random chance rather than people (as far as they knew) added to the sense of powerlessness and unfairness.

As many people know, powerlessness causes people to lash out at anyone they feel is responsible for the injustice and if they can't get to that they target the things that represent their fears or pain. The falsely rumored telepathy and other stigmas against biotics probably came from a lack of understanding in the general public combined with a malicious intent from a select few who were targeting them from a misplaced sense of justice or just plain jealousy and spitefulness. After all, that is typically how racism and other forms of hate work today and the ME universe clearly shows that Humankind hasn't changed very much by going interstellar.


I love biotics, some times the detinatons cause the audio to tear, and I feel like a god.


Always played as vanguard solely for the purpose of rushing up close with the biotic charge and blasting poor idiots away with the shottie (or nova in ME3). So satisfying.


Huh, I just realized that how a character in ME uses their biotic abilities looks a lot like how Scarlet Witch manifests her abilities in the Avengers movies ^_^


Honestly, the concept of biotic abilities are a significant part of why I love the ME series. And of course, it's a significant element in what makes the ME universe unique. Its slick and edgy and unexpected. It's "The Force" and physics all wrapped up together.

But here's what ticks me off - all the outcry over the ending of ME3 and how "Synthesis" was just "Space Magic" when you're essentially a space wizard if you can use Biotics. As much I LOVE the concept, it's similar to Star Trek's Technobabble, but alot simpler and more clearly written, so as to sound like actual scientific theory and practice.

Sorry, ME3 Ending haters, but we won't actually discover an element that enables us to harness dark matter with our nervous systems. Or even prove that Dark Matter actually EXISTS. So... Space magic. ;-)

But still... it's cool as heck.


I mainly played as an engineer and only recently found I was in the minority, but when I did play as a biotic I found it a much different playstyle


My Shepard was always a Sentinel, a biotic and tech user, can't imagine myself now to play another class except adept.


Of course! Which ME-fan still thinks of biotics as a topic one could talk about. It's already so common in the series that I almost forgot how important they are for the lore. Thx for bringing this up.
Biotics - almost like the force, except in cooler ;P

A fun little detail about biotics I also read about some time ago is that they appear to need more food than people without this ability. Sometimes they even take additional snacks onto the battlefield to keep up their dayly calories balanced. :D

I would like to mention one recomendation though. You guys seem to want to keep this lore-series as slow and relaxed as possible. E.g. that cool music in the background or the long pauses with the headlines between the different chapters inside each video. I personally really enjoy this slow pacing, but especially Rima tends to talk a little fast from time to time. I know you want your content to come across without taking too much time, but in this case you can easily take it slow and keep that relaxed mood.
Just a little something I noticed in this video. Keep up the good work. :)


Just seeking a bit of clarification. I know that Biotic Acclimation and Temperance (BAaT/"Brain Camp") was shut down after the death of the instructor, but to the best of my understanding Gagarin Station (Jump Zero) is still the Alliance's largest, being one of the first. It should still be in service in Sol unless of course the bad things toward the end of Mass Effect 3 happened to factor in.

Anywho I really hope they keep biotics feeling like they did in ME3. I've tried other classes, but I always come back to my adept. There's just something about being able to tear open holes in space and fling enemies around like rag dolls. Make a biotic angry and the world will bleed.


Keep up the awesome videos! Playing through the mass effect series again while I wait for Andromeda! Love watching this channel when I take a brake from Killing Reapers!


i enjoyed using biotics as a squadmate power. some of those are fun to watch. Jack as a squadmate was fun!


Thanks for bringing us videos even when you're both away, hope you're both enjoying Japan! :)


I'm so glad i found your channel!!! Love your videos!!!


This was so well done. You guys are fantastic!


You just earned a new subscriber, awesome video :)


Love the biotics argument from the Citadel DLC party


who would be more reliable in a fight, fully developed human biotic or fully developed human tech engineer? I can't decide so I normally play as the sentinel but it feels they get the weakest abilities from both the tech and biotics
