React Hooks Cheatsheet! Boost Your React Skills #devtools99 #react #javascript

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React Hooks Cheatsheet! Boost Your React Skills #devtools99 #react #javascript

React Hooks Cheatsheet

Here’s a detailed overview of the most commonly used React hooks to enhance your functional components:

1. `useState` - Manage State
The `useState` hook in React allows you to add state to functional components, which was previously only possible in class components. When you use `useState`, it initializes a state variable with a default value and provides a function to update that state. This makes it easy to track changes and trigger re-renders in your component when the state updates. For example, a counter can use `useState` to manage its value and update it when a button is clicked. This simplifies managing state and keeps your code cleaner and more efficient.

2. `useEffect` - Side Effect
The `useEffect` hook in React is used to handle side effects in your components, such as data fetching, event listeners, or DOM updates. Side effects are operations that can affect other parts of the app and don't directly involve rendering the UI. With `useEffect`, you can specify what should happen after the component renders. In this case, you might use it to update the document title whenever a state value like `count` changes. By passing `[count]` as a dependency, you ensure that the effect runs only when `count` is updated, making your app more efficient.

3. `useContext` - Access Context
The `useContext` hook in React allows you to access values from a context directly within your component. Context provides a way to share values like user information, themes, or settings across your app without passing props through every level of the component tree. By using `useContext`, you can easily retrieve values (e.g., user details) from a context, making global data accessible without the need for prop drilling or creating extra components. This simplifies your code and improves maintainability.

4. `useReducer` - Complex State Logic
The `useReducer` hook in React is designed for managing complex state logic, especially when you have multiple state values that depend on each other or require more advanced updates. It works by using a reducer function, which takes the current state and an action, and returns a new state. This makes it easier to handle complex state changes, like toggling multiple states or performing updates based on different conditions. It's often used in situations where `useState` might become cumbersome or difficult to maintain due to the complexity of the state logic.

5. `useRef` - Persistent Value and DOM Access
The `useRef` hook in React is useful for persisting values across renders or directly interacting with DOM elements. Unlike state, values stored in `useRef` don't trigger a re-render when they change, making it ideal for scenarios where you need to store a value without affecting the UI. For example, you can use `useRef` to access a DOM element, like focusing an input field programmatically, or to store values that need to persist between renders (like timers or previous state). This hook is a simple yet powerful tool for handling non-UI-related data and DOM manipulations.

6. `useMemo` - Memoize Expensive Computations
The `useMemo` hook in React is used to optimize performance by memoizing (caching) the result of expensive computations. When you have a calculation or function that takes a lot of resources, `useMemo` ensures that React only re-runs the calculation when the dependencies change, rather than on every render. For example, if you have a list of items that needs to be sorted, using `useMemo` will only recalculate the sorted list when the items themselves change. This can help improve performance, especially for large datasets or complex calculations, by preventing unnecessary recalculations during re-renders.

7. `useCallback` - Memoize Function
The `useCallback` hook in React is used to memoize functions, preventing them from being recreated on every render. This is particularly useful when you pass functions as props to child components, as it avoids unnecessary re-renders of those components. For instance, if you have a `handleClick` function that doesn’t change, using `useCallback` ensures that the same instance of the function is used between renders. This can improve performance, especially in large applications or when dealing with components that rely on stable function references to avoid re-renders.

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