3 Alternatives for Heroku's Free Tier - Full Stack & API Hosting

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0:00 - Intro & Chat About Heroku & Free Hosting
3:16 - Project Intro
3:47 - Render
5:24 - Railway
6:40 - Cyclic
7:35 - Render Deployment
9:53 - Railway Deployment
11:30 - Cyclic Deployment
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Let us know if you have any other suggestions. Some of the requirements to be considered a Heroku alternative (imo) are ease of use, no credit card, backend services (not just serverless).


Brad, you are truly concerned about our well-being as developers.
We are so grateful to have you. You do not know how much you have saved me. When I saw the email from heroku about ending their free tiers, I didn't know where else to go or what to do because as a self taught developer and a student, before using heroku I had tried netlify and it gave me a hard time to use smoothly, so I settled with heroku. But now, you have just given me alternatives.

Thank you so much!!!!


The bro all developers have but didn't know they needed 👊


Much love, brad!

I got into MERN recently and I've been learning new things along the way. But when I went to host my micro practice projects to get feedbacks from others, I was limited to enter my credit card in Heroku. I wasn't sure what to do.

This video helped me a lot. Keep up the good work. God bless you.


Love it! So many great hosting options out there!


The thing about Heroku is, as well, that it jumps to $7 per dyno now, at a minimum. I totally am ok with charges, I’m not entitled to free hosting even for dev / test environments, but at $7 *per dyno* I might as well spin up an instance of Lightsail and host multiple apps on a single instance (dev / test only, of course). It’s such a sharp jump for Heroku. You’d think they’d transition to something like $7 for 10 dynos or something. But it’s not surprising, Salesforce isn’t really for devs, it’s for business teams and people who want “low code”. Salesforce making moves to make Heroku less attractive to devs was expected at some point.


Note to Brad: Just got my NYC Events app back and running on Railway like a dream. Thanks for the heads-up and your ongoing diligence! All the best!


My vote goes for Cyclic! Its direct just like heroku but even better, easier to use, no spin down, everything is unlimited up an running.


I looked into all three of these myself, as I am just now trying to migrate my projects over from Heroku, and I think Railway was the easiest to set up from my experience. Super easy if you are like me and are trying to push a full stack app with database


So useful to see how easy deployment is with these, thank you!


Happy birthday Brad! Thank you for all these years of content. You have changed a lot of lives for the better.

Thank you.


I've made those tests and what worked better at least for me was Cyclic, I'll make a couple more tests with it, thanks for the tips Brad


Omg I was just looking a few weeks ago to host my fullstack app and you released this, thank you so much!


Thank you so much, Brad. All 3 of these look fantastic!


Railway is Best, deployed in less than 5 min. In Render, you have to deploy the frontend, backend separately is not a good option because it can cause problems in cookie token formation. Versel host only serverless sites also in the free version there is a time limit for server request.(my learning by trying all these options) Like if find helpful👍👍🎉
EDIT: railway has a Limit per month will work 22 days. Cyclic is better it hasn't any limit on time but it has a build limit ie build folder limit(around 256MB).this limit is fair enough if your project is not too too complex it will get deployed


The Best Dev Channel of our generation Kudos Brad


one, thank you SO MUCH for uploading this now! two, I'm really enjoying actually seeing you more in these videos!


Brad, thank you for this. Your videos are life savers. I can't count the number of times your tutorials pulled me out of a downward spiral of frustration and confusion.


Thank you so much. I just hosted my first MERN app, which I've been trying to do for months (on the first attempt. Literally). Thanks once again. ❤❤


I reviewed many of your online courses, I feel A certain trust with your videos, Thank You for all your assistance. As what would be considered as a hobbyist. I would like to communicate with on a more private basis, in order to protect my idea. These and many of your videos have been a tremendous help. Not sure if you can see my email from this content. I did not see an email address on your web site, so I figured I, would reach out here. As for all others who watch this video I would absolutely subject to follow Brad as his video’s are unbiased, and he will tell you if it is just his opinion when it is. I found an unusual amount of trust in his training videos.
Prosperous Wishes!
