UFO orange/ red orb close up footage - york england 17.07.18

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UFO bright orange orb close up footage over york 17.7.18 at 1.35 am this was the second night in a row this strange object was visible in the sky over the heworth area of york ,england, i honestly don't know what it is .i managed to film the sphere orb using my 35x zoom camera i also captured a couple of still photos one looks as though another darker orb is emerging from the brighter one.
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I have seen about 3 such orbs about 2 years ago at about 10:30 night. The strange thing was it descended from height at which planes fly to about 3rd floor height in 15 seconds. There was rain and lighting that day with thick clouds.


On one occasion here in the Missouri Ozarks I observed a Golden Orb almost identicle to video hovering just above the gravel road as it was lighting up clouds infolding just above the ground at a 25 yard distance....I could clearly see there was a door open on it a band of red at its outer and a band of neon blue toward the inner part of the door surface apeared to look like liquid molten metal splashing at its center but no heat or sound whatsoever not even the crickets made a sound as it hovered....I spent over 20 minutes looking it over in detail then got back in my car as it raised just above the farm fence and hovered just above the hay field as i backed up it also followed spent over 7 hours in direct been disclosing the truth since the mid 70's..


Exact same thing here in Aus in May this year, got plenty of footage. Nobody could explain it. Was visible for a few weeks on clear nights.


I had a very strange experience (around July 2018).I had been working with construction crew since 2016, on a very remote private estate in Scotland.
The only difference being, I also stayed on the work site, in my own caravan on weekdays, while my workmates stayed in accomodation (nearest being about 20-30 miles away usually).
Anyway I didn't mind the dark, or being alone, being able to hear a pin drop in the evenings, and actually really enjoyed the isolation, nature, fresh air..and the best views of the night skies, I had ever witnessed in my whole life.
Many an evening over a year or so, I would be out stargazing etc..and just saying wow! pretty much.
Anyway only weeks away from the job being completed.I was tired this night in perticular (and would only wake up usually if animals were on my roof or something...but more likely just when the guys turned up for work even tbh lol).
Our complete power supply of electric had been broken recently, so for several wks, my/our power was our diesel generator.
It had been running 24hrs/5 days, no probs, without a hiccup.However I woke up for some reason at approx 3-4am..and noticed there was silence...the generator had stopped!
So in boxers, hoody and wellies, walked across the yard, turned the key..and broom!?..(plenty fuel etc, cos I checked it all daily).
Very large bright white star, on the horizon caught my eye at the time..and not a cloud in the sky anywhere.
Star caught my eye so much, I even peered out the window for 2nd look..then said 2 myself, wow! Lovely! But bollox, am tired still, and can get another hr or 2 sleep..so zzzz.
Approx 1 hour later, generator had stopped again...so repeated the process bla bla..but this time the star was even had been, or seemed to be moving opposite way from all the other stars etc if u get what I mean?..so wasn't making sense...not to mention strange behaviour of the generator .
Then I noticed as I stated from window closely, it was changing shape..constantly!..not normal/natural at all imho.
Though I was curious to say the least.So went out to snap as many pictures as I could, to confirm to myself it was even trying to hide behind treeline almost.Going through all camera modes, I hit flash by mistake!..and that was it, things got more crazy from there.It was moving more, changing shape more, and at one point, was trying to work out if there was a 2nd orb.
I was starting to get unnerved tbh, 1st time ever, realised I would be ideal abduction candidate.So made sure I grabbed my rucksack, some juice, biscuits and tobacco and a lighter...just in case lol.Cos if it could stop the diesel generator, my truck etc would be no use anyway.
Somehow torn between curiousity and fear, I found myself outside again, snapping pictures..wow!..wow!...then glanced kinda to my left/straight on...and omg coming straight towards me/over me..if I could hold my nerve long enough...was exactly what I would say is in this footage!!!..and believe me Mars, and stars etc do not do this, nor do drones etc...and yeh I did try to quickly snap a couple pics of this, maybe too quickly, cos didn't capture it :(..
Told my workmates, and told them I don't give a **** what they think it was, or think of me even, and I just wished so much someone else had been there to confirm what I had been seeing.
Yeh most of them asked what I'd been smoking/drinking bla bla lol, but I know what I saw/experienced that night.


I saw a white orb up close. I was driving on a country road a few miles from home and out of no where I noticed it in the distance. As I drove further it appeared closer above a nearby tree line. As I passed through the wooded area and came into a clearing it streaked across the sky and within a second hovered in the middle of the road about 10 feet off the ground. I slammed on the brakes and there it was - no more than 50 feet away. What these are I have no idea but up close it lit up light the sun, so bright it almost appeared more oval than spherical. More mysterious is no matter how bright it became it never hurt my eyes to look at it. The light did not 'shine'. It was as if the light was trying to escape but couldn't emanate more than a few feet from the 'outer shell'. I was only about 50 feet away however everything in my car and around me was dark and did not hurt my eyes at all. After about 5 minutes I backed into a driveway, sped away, and never looked back.


i saw this the other night. I thought it was a planet at first but it was to close. I went inside and grabbed the binoculars. It was a bunch of lights in the shape of a ball. Orangish red colors and it moved sort of front to side. It rained here the next night so I don't know if it was still there or not. There is another video on youtube showing this. We had an issue a couple of years ago with people here seeing lights. It was in the summer and you could feel that something wasn't right. Again I have that uncomfortable feeling.


It’s out of focus for the entire clip, so no shape is discernible. IT was probably a point source. Do you have a zoomed out clip it’s reference objects in frame?


I saw 3 Christmas Day a few years back.
I wasn't drunk as I had to drive family back from inlaws.
Finding it hard to forget about as time goes will never forget!!!
And find hard to talk about due to non believers


I saw this in daylight at Lund near York. It was hovvering over the chruch, it then moved away. I followed it. It stopped still over a field then shot straight up till it couldnt be seen anymore


We saw the same thing above Victoria, B.C. Canada on Oct. 31st, 2020. We'd gone up to the top of the wooded hill behind our house to watch the fireworks over the city. It travelled north to south, with no sound at all - moving on a straight trajectory, as if with intelligence of some sort. It was somewhat low in the sky, and appeared to be about 5 to 6 feet across and the same height. A complete sphere. Not a lantern. Zero reports on either the news or social media. We were so surprised as had expected to see something about it at least.


My wife and I have seen this exact orb on two occasions. First one was on her birthday on 5.2.2013 in a suburb of Chicago. We were sitting on our back porch clebrating her birthday when at exactly 9PM this thing flew directly over our house at an elevation of about 1500-2, 000 feet it had to be about the diameter of a small commuter plane. The orange that it gave off illuminated the ground as it passed over, it was completely silent with no vapor trail of any kind. The orange light was pixalating and almost pulsating within the orb. I tried to grab my phone to get a video of it as it passed over us, but the battery was dieing because it was the end of the day and we had been running the music off of it. I reached for my wife's phone and her's was dieing too, So frustrating not to be able to video this thing. It flew over at a speed about the speed of a normal aircraft. We are in the flight poath of OHare airport so we are well versed in seeing aircraft. This thing was way bigger than a chinese lantern as so many people try and dismiss these things as, and far too slow and big to be a meteor. This flew over our house passing from southwest to northeast and must have flown directly over the air traffic control center that is linked with local aircraft in the area for O'Hare in our town. We were able to obseve this thing for a couple minutes as it flew off out away from us in the night sky. It never changed elevations and flew off in that northwest trajectory until it was too far out of site to see anymore.This was a life changing event to have seen this object, as I think about this encounter so very often and wondered what the hell this thing was. About a year and a month later we saw another on on 4th of July fly over in the eastern sky about 5 miles to the east of us at he same elevation and speed again. For the life of me I will never understand what this was. I don't know if it is extraterrestrial in origin or whether it is some top secret aircraft by our government. I just wish I could see one again and be able to video this thing.


I saw one of these in Quincy, IL across the street from me, passing over my neighbors house. It moved horizontally at a slow and steady pace. I watched it pass over my neighbor's house and across the elementary school playground.. It was some time in 2012 I think. Early in the evening, before the sun had set. I still kick myself to this day for not walking along and following it.


Ive seen this less then 2 feet away from me.
Im still scared thinking about it.
Haopend abou 8-9 years ago in michigan, U.S.A..
It aproached me and a friends mini van head on on a dark road surrounded by wood....no power lines.
And as it approached the car it was already at the pefect pre determined hight to perfectley pass over the van with no room to spare.
We got out looked tryed to put a finger on wtf we just saw and we could not.
We both went home scared as 19 year old teens.
It looked like the sun up close.
Like plasma like.
It was bright but not enough to blind us in anyway.
All my hair stands up thinking about it.


I am a nurse, on a night shift back in 1998 i went on my break and laid down to sleep, on awakening there was a orange orb in the corner of the room. I remember how fast it was spinning. It left when i opened the door. It will stay with me forever.


We've been seeing this everynite, except for one particularly cloudy evening, for about a week now. We also saw it a couple of years ago in a different part of the sky. We llive in Herefordshire England. What is it?? We too went threw the usual suspects but nothing fits, its dead weird tho..


One of these was cruising around rural property in sw iowa, by pond, right after power shut off, size of bowlingball maybe, followed me up icy road to neighbors then disappeared, this was bout ten yrs ago


I have similar videos and photos taken with my phone. I live in Adelaide sth aust and last night was the 10th time I've seen it over 3 yrs. Always seems to be over Autumn/Winter. My daughter has seen them when I haven't. I call it Orby ha but would love to know what it is.


We've seen this orange ball in the sky. Only once. About 4 years ago in NH.


Its good, but not close up, close up it looks like cooling lava. Very bright, and slow moving. Its light hits objects but even if it is a Window the light doesn't, umm idk, reflect off of it.


I saw the same orange glowing object in my backyard going across lake Erie! That would be Cleveland Ohio America! About 2 years ago as well! I had a hard time understanding how it could be going sideways so smooth not fast at all probably around 400 miles an hour and it was about 2 mi up! To this day I don't understand what I saw but I know it wasn't anything like a UFO military anything like that still don't understand what that was! Any thoughts please give me feedback to this day I still don't understand what I saw!!
