The home of Freddie Mercury in Zanzibar (Tanzania) - BBC News - 24th October 2018

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What the life was and how the people see Freddie Mercury, who was born and raised on Zanzibar, until he was forced to move away at the age of 17, as the film about 'Queen' one of the biggest bands in history with so many iconic songs and incredible voice of Freddie himself, was to influence the world we live in today and will do so for many decades to come

at the very least.
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Zanzibaris should love him more and make money with him as tourist attraction.


Zanzibar should be proud of him, his family had to flee after the English left and Zanzibar became a third world place. They have a museum of him there but fail to mention that had his family stayed he would in the best case have played at a hotel. Interesting that if caucasian people flee from third world countries to the UK or like Musk to the US no one ever says that they are so poor and have no chance to find a decent life in Africa and we have a moral obligation to help them. Interesting that like Musk or Freddie they have no problem adapting to culture and to learn the language ...


If he was intersing visit Zanzibar or India he would be He was British, his souls, heart,personality was british, german and Genevian of course USA stop make money of them You even didnt know who he was
