Sonic Wave Infinity 36-100 in 2 runs

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Ok so very unexpected. Sonic Wave Infinity is gonna be my final hardest (my previous hardest was the original and rebirth) and this is because I'm gonna stop playing the game soon. I wanted to have an achievement that could stand the test of time for a few more years and SWI is the level I picked. Originally it was Zodiac and I did have some progress but I didn't want it to be my final hardest. Even though I have had already dropped 2-3k attempts on it in the last year, I wasn't taking it seriously. In the last few days I dropped multiple thousands of attempts and spent wayyy too much time playing it. Progress has been quick but I'm prepared for the actual hard part of this journey. I'm also using CBF since I want to actually have fun and if you don't like it, womp womp.
Current Attempt Count: 10,570
Current List Placement: 42
#gd #geometrydashplayer #sonicwave #sonicwaveinfinity #extremedemon
Current Attempt Count: 10,570
Current List Placement: 42
#gd #geometrydashplayer #sonicwave #sonicwaveinfinity #extremedemon