Joplin EF-5 tornado Fasttrip gas station clerk survivor story - Ruben Carter

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Joplin EF-5 tornado Fasttrip gas station clerk survivor story - Ruben Carter
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I was very moved by that young man telling even strangers that he loved them. That was beautiful and inspiring.


My name is Nathan Little and I was 7 at the time and this was the same day I was baptized. We went to the batting cages after I got baptized and then it started to get really dark and I was very confused because it was still the afternoon and I didn’t know what was happening. My mom and stepdad then turned on the radio and the guy was literally screaming on the radio about the tornado. When we got inside the cooler I was so cold and frightened, I thought I was going to die. I was sitting on my moms lap while screaming “I don’t wanna die.” Looking back at this when I’m 16, I can’t imagine what was going through my moms head. I’m so blessed to be here today


I was in that gas station I was just 9 years old I am now 13 and he was the reason we lived and Jesus of course so I just really want to thank Ruben for that I was just visiting my dad there because I live in wellington and I really thank him he is a hero is my heart and will always be


“i have 24 new family members, i’m going to be with them the rest of my life.” & they’re very blessed to have each other. may they all be healthy, happy and well taken care of. 🙏💚


What a hero. I've listened to that video over & over. While most people were in a panic, screaming, he kept a level head & talked everyone through it. Incredible.


There may be horror movies that Hollywood produces that scare me, but NOTHING scared me or made me cry as much as listening to that video in the cooler. The noise of the wind and building tearing apart around the people inside makes me cry each time I hear it. I thank God that these people were safe that day.


An EF-5 tornado of the strength and size of Joplin's is one of those rare tornadoes that some meteorologists call "unsurvivable unless underground."
Fortunately, these people beat those odds!


Hello guys!!! It seems I get a new YouTube account every year doesn’t it haha, just wanna update you guys as some may know I was in this gas station when that tornado hit us. I was only 9 at the time and now 8 years later I am 16 years old and I just read through some of your comments and I just wanna say thank you all so so much for the kind words!! All my love goes out to you guys and all your families have an amazing day and live life one step at a time because you don’t know when it’s gonna be your last this day could have been my last but thanks to the gracious lord I am here today and happier than ever💕💕


It makes me want to cry that the people saying “I love you” to each other and everyone are so young, close to teenage, boys. They are taught and pushed to be tough their whole life but when it really matters they did the right thing. Good kids.


Man, Ruben was so calm. Military style training there. Worry about everyone else but you! Good job man!


That video of the tornado is harrowing. The scariest video I have ever watched. It's pure. The worst part of it is when it hits, and the people start screaming. That happened somewhere else where people died. You just knew that is what one hears before they are ripped apart. But the emotion is lifted towards the end of the video knowing they all survived. I just wish many others could have lived that day.


Makes me hopeful this diverse group of individuals came together and saved each other, love is amazing


I remember the first time I watched the video of you all in the beer cooler, or should I say listened to you, I was crying just listening to the prayers, the fear, the screams and the love. You were all at deaths door, yet miraculously all survived. My 85 year old aunt and uncle lived next to Joplin High and their house blew apart around them, they were pelted with debris and dirt but walked away with small cuts and bruises. There is no explanation why so many survived these conditions, but I


Known Rueben a long time and had stopped at that store many times living near it on S. Kingsdale!! Sorry Rueben, but after going thru all that I would of handed you a couple of bucks and downed a beer right there!! You know I’m kidding, but my nerves probably wouldn’t have been! You did a great job, and it was inspiring seeing how perfect strangers cared about each other!! In the end, that is what it’s all about! We live behind Freeman now and we too did not hear that second siren that day! I just happened to have a local storm spotter app on my cell phone, and heard the guy say a tornado touched down on 32nd and Blackcat Rd.!! Went to our basement and safe room but even though we were a few blocks from the tornado I still heard it! It’s something I’ll never forget! Like several jet engines taking off at an airport! So happy you all made it out safe!! It was one of the few miracles that day! Hope the company gave you a good job somewhere else? You deserved a medal and a raise! Miss that store by the way! Was hoping they would rebuild but they didn’t! For all you littles kids that day, you’re ten years older, I wonder how you’re all doing now?


Awesome job Ruben Carter and I am thankful to God that all of you in the store survived!!


This man is a hero. God bless him and the others in the store.


When you get to the point you are telling random strangers “I love you.”, you know this is it.


I commented on this story a number of time, from watching various clips of the incident at this gas station. Ruben is a inspiration for getting people to safety and helping people stay calm as well as finding a way out after the storm past. Each one of their stories is an inspiration. Kudos to all who were in that beer cooler and made it out alive. Also, a huge lesson in this is to LISTEN AND ADHERE to the sirens. Don’t take them for granted. Seek shelter no matter how you feel and view the skies. Stay vigilant during storms. Tornadoes takes lives and destroys property. That’s it. They are a force that is not to be taken lightly.


How am I just now seeing this video???!!! Ruben, you still amaze me. You have always been the cool as a cucumber guy! I had no idea you were right in it too. Cindy and my bro in law were both working at the Wal-Mart on Rangeline when that deadly tornado hit. It still blows my mind the way JoMo looked a month afterwards. It took me an entire month to get the strength to travel to Joplin. The city I once walked through, all the time, was now a place I no longer recognized. I got lost on streets that I once knew like the back of my hand. It made me ill. And when I drove past where my high school USED to be, I broke down. Major ugly crying. Joplin looks soooo much different now. It's a beautiful city, with a lot of great memories, and new memories in the making. ❤️❤️


It's been 10 years, I hope he's still doing ok along with everyone else that was with him.
