J2157 - Marnix Lippmann

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This is an Ode to the black hole called: J2157.
The quasar SMSS J215728.21-360215.1 has recently been examined and it shows that the black hole at the center of that specific active galaxy, called J2157, is a whopping 34 billion times as massive as the Sun.
That is five times heavier than M87 * (Pōwehi), the supermassive black hole in M87 photographed with the Event Horizon Telescope. And to compare it to the supermassive black hole in the Milky Way, Sagittarius A *.
J2157 is nearly 8,000 times more massive! J2157 is still growing, this black hole is estimated to capture one solar mass per day in matter. J2157 was already there when the universe was only 1.2 billion years old (redshift z = 4,692), less than 10% of its present age. Recently, supermassive black holes of this kind have been discovered more often in the universe, and the question always arises of how it is possible that such molochs could exist so early in the universe.
Furthermore, the question also arises what these black holes mean for the planet on which we live: the earth. To what extent this poses a threat? Until then, we remain positive and see it as a blessing.
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"How much black holes can swallow depends on how much mass they already have.
"So, for this one to be devouring matter at such a high rate, we thought it could become a new record holder. And now we know."
Source: The research is being published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Credits video art work (thanks to Pexels and it's contributors):
Produced, composed & mastered by: #MarnixLippmann