Sea Shack Animation via Grant Abbitt's Workflow Tutorial

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I'm working on building up my YouTube channel, so any shares and subs are greatly appreciated--more than you know.

Created by Grynszpan Deszign in #Blender

If you're interested in gaming, be sure to check out my game development documentary. More game development tips to come. I have the whole thing mapped out on paper, so it is a matter of translating that. This is my first real attempt at a full game.

A little about me: A former traditional, clay sculptor turned digital freelance artist--I also enjoy screenwriting, toy photography, pop culture, gaming, and retro themed art. My tools of choice, currently, are Blender, Marmoset Toolbag, Adobe's Substance Designer suite, and Unreal Engine. In coming weeks, I am interested in exploring Maya, Zbrush, and digging a bit into Cinema4D. Personally, I tend to gravitate towards the realistic history, psychological thriller, and horror story genres in my own art and the work of others.
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Looks great I’m gona start working on mine :)
