New Metaverse NFT TOOLBOX Now Available. #Asenseofahh™ #thinkmediapodcast #

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There is a definite buzz about both the metaverse and NFTs at the moment. This is likely to continue for some time in the future as more people get involved with the metaverse and purchase unique digital assets in the form of NFTs. There is a good opportunity for you to use NFTs in the metaverse to make money. But you need to know what you are doing. You cannot escape talking about the metaverse these days. There is a real buzz about it in the tech world as well as in the financial and business worlds. Sometimes the metaverse is known as Web 3.0 and a lot of people believe that it represents the future for us.
The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, certainly believes that the metaverse is the future. In October 2021, he rebranded the Facebook platform as “Meta”. Some people believe that Zuckerberg is the founder of the metaverse and that all the hype has come from him. This is not the case.
The Metaverse is not new

In 1992, the author Neal Stephenson wrote a book called “Snow Crash”. This book is seen by many as the start of the metaverse craze. Others will tell you that “the Matrix” was the beginning of the metaverse with the movies and the original book “Neuromancer” by William Gibson.
The metaverse is depicted as a 3D virtual world in Snow Crash. People entered the metaverse using personal terminals or through the use of virtual reality (VR) goggles. It is said that this inspired the creation of companies such as Oculus Quest and others that create VR headsets. Whether this is true or not doesn’t matter.
What is important to understand is that the metaverse is not new. In a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) called “Second Life” that was launched in 2003, players could customize the way that their realistic avatars looked and they could also own virtual property, create virtual assets, trade goods and services, and more.
The difference between the Second Life game and today’s concept of the metaverse is that the game is considered a standalone metaverse. It is not all-embracing which is what people like Zuckerberg believe it needs to be. He said that the metaverse will not just be something to look at but a fully immersive experience. The Metaverse is a Combination of Technologies

There are a lot of different definitions for the metaverse. Some of these conflict with others. We like to define the metaverse as a combination of technologies that create a digital universe. Some of the technologies have been around for a while now such as augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, video, and more.
Some metaverse enthusiasts believe that shortly everyone will use the metaverse to connect with their friends and family, play games, go on virtual trips across the world, buy and sell virtual assets and so on.
Zuckerberg and Facebook are not the only big fans of the metaverse. Recently Microsoft paid nearly $69 billion to acquire Activision Blizzard. This is a game developer that Microsoft believes provides the foundation for the metaverse.
Other big tech companies have been involved in the metaverse for quite a while including Google and Apple. What all of these companies have in common is that they believe the metaverse is the bringing together of two main ideas:
1. A digital second life
2. Virtual reality
For a very long time, a lot of tech companies have predicted a future where the virtual lives of people carry the same weight of importance as their physical real life. Not only will we use the metaverse to connect with people but we will also spend our money on making our avatars look as stylish as possible for example.
The Metaverse will be a Huge Shopping Mall

We believe that the metaverse will be a huge shopping mall for users who can purchase unique digital assets such as NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Any number of people can visit this mall as there should be no physical space restrictions. After purchasing the unique digital asset, the owners can sell them at a higher price in other metaverse malls if they want.
As the metaverse grows in popularity, this will open doors for savvy businesses to make significant profits. There are already companies and individuals cashing in on the NFT marketplace and we believe that this will extend to the metaverse. The Full Metaverse is a few years away

There are elements of the metaverse in existence today and some of these have been around for a long time such as the Second Life game. But when will we be subjected to the “full metaverse”? Nobody knows the answer to this but Zuckerberg believes that it will be available by 2030.
Others say that the full metaverse is closer than this. They believe that the foundations of the metaverse already exist. To find out more on the report and bonus upgrades video audio script with license to use commercial.
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