How to integrate nexus with jenkins and upload artifacts to nexus server step by step
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#jenkinsnexusintegration #uploadartifacts #devops
1. Install nexus server in windows machine
2. How to run nexus server
3. How to create a repository in nexus server
4. How to install nexus plugin (nexus platform plugin)
5. How to configure nexus server in jenkins
6. How to test the nexus server is configure is fine or not
7. How to configure nexus properties in Jenkins job
8. Check the console output for result of job the artifact is pushed success or not.
9. Confirm the artifact pushed in nexus server with different versions
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#jenkinsnexusintegration #uploadartifacts #devops
1. Install nexus server in windows machine
2. How to run nexus server
3. How to create a repository in nexus server
4. How to install nexus plugin (nexus platform plugin)
5. How to configure nexus server in jenkins
6. How to test the nexus server is configure is fine or not
7. How to configure nexus properties in Jenkins job
8. Check the console output for result of job the artifact is pushed success or not.
9. Confirm the artifact pushed in nexus server with different versions
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