How to calculate manpower required for a project in Excel

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How to calculate the required manpower for a project in Microsoft Excel

Using the following three variables the total manpower can be calculated:
1. How many days is the project running for?
2. How many hours is each worker working for?
3. How many employees are there

Once you have a numerical value assigned for each question, simply multiply all three and you will have the total hours needed to finish a project.
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This is not calculating man-power, this is calculating man-hours. Man-power would be the number of people needed to accomplish the work. You determined the amount of hours worked x the number of people working x project duration. That is total man-hours worked.


Short, but benefitial video.Thanks..Alhamdulillah


This is available manpower. You should make a lecture on calculation of manpower required for perticular activity.


Great lectures
sire i have a problem
If a company precast 7 elements/ day and it takes 5 days for the elements to be harden. those incharge of laying can lay 12 elements in a day and the total number of elements to be precast is 420 elements.
NB: start of laying is 20days and end if laying is 55days
1. when can pre-casting start so that laying of elements will not be interrupted
2. determine the maximum number of elements that can be stocked on the site.
Thanks sire. i will be waiting for anyone to help me out


You did not fulfill your video title..
