Age Debate in A BRIDGE TOO FAR: Examining Historical Accuracy and Casting Choices - #shorts #short

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People forget how young most participants in war were back then, if you wanted to have a historically accurate B-24 or B-17 bomber crew the actors should be between the ages of 19 and 23, and don't get me started on having a Sherman tank crew all being played by actors that are between 35 and 50 years old


My dad made that jump. 101st, 501 PiR. He passed away 4 years ago at 95. He survived DDay, Bastogne and working as a laborer in a Pittsburgh steel mill for almost 40 years. Raised 5 kids and was married 65 years.
Heroes are made at the dinner table.


He joined up when he was still 17.
He didn't get an education as a kid so as he went through west point he got up at 4:30 every single day for four years to study (things a school kid would already know) before attending class.
He got to be that rank so young cause he was made of the right stuff.


Turns out you can get promoted pretty quickly during wartime.


Meanwhile, Napoleon Bonaparte at age 35


I met General Gavin after the 82nd Airborne Division Review in 1983. Helluva guy and a great man.

All the way, sir! H Minus!!


Layfayette doesn't get talked about as much as he should. He helped immensely in getting French aid to America, a good friend of Washington's, and a certified badass in battle.


My nephew served he became a General, he so sweet a guy too sweet for war.. God bless them all for doing what they did, talk about strength..


Most of the criticism of O’Neal’s age came from service members who served when making rank was much tougher and time-in-grade, time-in-service was a requirement. It’s still that way today. “Field Promotions” are relatively rare.


"I was younger than you are now
When I was given a glorious command.

I led my men straight into a massacre,
I witnessed their deaths firsthand.

I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me,
and even now I lie awake, knowing history has its eyes on me...
History has its eyes on me..."~Colonel George A. Custer.


Critics angry that a 35 year old played a general - in reality they were 37
Critics angry that the scene where the Saergent points a gun at a doctor - in reality that really happened.

Did none of them bother to check? Ever?


Gavin is probably the most beloved commander ever, many are claimed to be so, but rarely would one's own men choose to die for their commander if he was at risk, and more rare that one's own general insisted on carrying a rifle alongside his men. At the most dangerous areas. He was spoken of as not just a father figure, but as if he was god himself


Better than 54-year old John Wayne playing 27-year old lieutenant colonel Benjamin Vandervoort in the Longest Day. Also the actor playing Gavin in that film was 55.


Armstrong Custer was the youngest MG.
He commanded two different Calvary Divisions during the American Civil War.

Yes, yes he was a breveted MG of volunteers and yet he still led divisions and not just the Michigan CV Bridge.


Back when people could climb the ranks based on merit and not just political connections.


Galusha Pennypacker was just twenty years old when he earned the rank of brigadier general of volunteers, being wounded several times in combat during the Civil War.


Un dato muy interesante y por lo demás, debo decir que lo desconocía por completo.
He visto esta peli, a lo menos unas 15 ó 20 veces en el transcurso de años. Tengo 55, en este momento. La vi en el cine, en 1979, si mal no recuerdo. Yo tenía 12 años... Y creo que es un pedazo inmortal, de buen cine, soberbias actuaciones, un guión muy cercano a la realidad - con una que otra licencia - pero aún así, eso no le resta méritos.
Las escenografías, vestuario, uniformes, armas, vehículos, aviones, logística militar, accesorios generales de aquellos años, etc... todo eso da vida y forma, a una cinta - reitero - inmortal e insuperable. En mi muy humilde opinión, un gran trabajo de Sir Richard Attenborough, sólo superado por Gandhi.
Gracias por subir este aporte. Saludos desde Concepción, Chile.-


So historically they got an actor close in age!


One of the biggest All Star Cast movies ever made. And the last.


A great war film that was badly timed.. that it flopped. still it is one of the best war film ever made comparable to the Longest Day.
