Novation Circuit Expanded Sequencing Into Deluge - Basic Overview // Synthstrom Deluge Tutorial

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Intro 0:00
Midi learn 0:47
Recording into the Deluge 1:29
Modifying the sequence 2:22
Working on a new track 4:07
Correcting Track Length 5:17
Adding a lead track 6:24
Recording octaves 9:16
Fixing a glitched note (firmware update fixed this) 10:05
Transposing Notes 10:15
Recording Synth 1 and Synth 2 10:38
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Ohhh cant wait have ordered deluge will join its buddy circuit soon thanks ron you rock :)


you're the best ron thanks for the vids. finally got mine today!


Thanks for doing this Ron I have both synths and much prefer using the pads on the circuit. Cheers.


Very interesting! :-) its an impressive synth


Thank you, your videos are helping heaps! Would you be able to point me in the right direction, I’m hoping to stay off the computer and I have been exclusively doing everything inside deluge since I got it but recently connected my other synths up for live play using a daw as the mixer and was thinking I’d hit record and record it all into the daw on independent tracks but now I’m back hoping to simple just do everything within deluge and continue learning it deeper. I’ll have to watch this a couple more times and will try to do this with my TB3 today, I’m wondering could I use this method and be able to record in the filter tweaks and real-time buildups of tb3 into the track on deluge or would this need to be done via a looping method recording audio in that way? Any advice much appreciated 😊🙏


It would be dope if you could disable the circuit's local control of the pads so you could route note messages without having to mute synth parts.


What do you mean by "your transport" at 1:52? Do you mean your DAW? Is that sending midi clock or other information into the Circuit?


not sure I get it. You are doing this because it's "easier" to sequence on the circuit, but then want to have the sequences to use in deluge?


I don't get the point of this. Is it to be able to use the velocity sensitivity on Circuit? If so, if the external synth you're ultimately using has velocity sensitivity, couldn't you use the midi out from that to Deluge and cut out the Circuit?


Got the Deluge and have a question. If I wanted to record directly from a keyboard or external synth and make the deluge automatically expand the track length until I stop playing, is that possible? Rather than have it auto-repeat when it hits the end of the sequence?
