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Gabby Petito's parents have long believed that Chris and Roberta Laundrie knew Gabby was dead long before her body was found. Gabby's mother, Nichole Schmidt, and father, Joe Petito, have sued the Laundries, and their attorney Steve Bertolino, for intentional infliction of emotional distress. They are claiming that the trio was aware that Gabby Petito was dead but chose to do nothing.  

In depositions for the upcoming civil trial, we learn that two days after Brian Laundrie is believed to have killed Gabby Petito, he makes a frantic call to his parents. In the August 29, 2021, call, Laundrie tells his parents that Gabby is "gone" and he needs a lawyer.

According to Petitio family attorney Pat Reilly, Chris and Roberta Laundrie did not admit to knowing Gabby was killed, only that they were told by Brian that she was "gone." A retainer was sent to attorney Steve Bertolino six days later. Reilly, however, believes the family was told more than they are now admitting. Reilly has filed a motion to force Bertolino into revealing what Brian Laundrie told him. 

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Her death served as the saddest message and warning to me to not return to my abusive ex, and to keep fighting to heal and for the light. I’m so sorry, Gabby. No human being deserves this ❤


I remember watching this on the news in a place my abusive ex sent me to. Gabby's story opened my eyes to leave my abusive marriage! I left with my life! It's been a long, hard journey, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel ❤.


We all owe it to Gabby to leave toxic relationships and to remember that we are lucky to have done so. I will always support Gabby and think of her often. She was the kind of person we needed on the planet, but now she is making a difference in a way she couldn’t imagine for an unimaginable reason. Get out, be safe, and keep surviving. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


The Landries are cowardly unethical people who hired a sleazy lawyer with zero PR skills, and they deserve the backlash they're getting. Prayers to Gabby's family. I hope the cops learned something. Good grief.


I’m no cop and this girl was clearly terrified and a victim. It’s really sad that no one truly helped her. What’s really sick is the “men” all laughed about it. 😞
As a victim of domestic violence, I can relate to her. I went years apologizing and thinking things were my fault. You get used to the abuse and you become insecure to leave the person, thinking you can’t possibly live without them.
It took me 12 years to leave my abuser. I thank God every day that he had a much bigger and better plan for me.
Happily married now with two kids and my husband would never lay a hand on me or abuse me mentally or verbally.
To all the women out there; there’s someone in this world for all of us! Don’t settle. If you’re in an abusive relationship whether it’s physical, mental or emotional; get out. Be single. It’s better than the alternative.
May Gabby rest easy. This story will always hit home and it will always sadden me.


The part that totally put me into tears, and broke my heart, is when she was asking the officer for water, and was so timid and polite about it….Gabby didn’t want to put them out, seemed like she felt guilty for asking him… You could tell that she was the typical definition of “battered syndrome“ victim. Oh my God, I just keep wanting to jump in that video and rescue her, so I cannot imagine how her mom felt. Wish I could give her mom and dad a big hug.


Bertolino contacted a public defender in the same county where Gabby’s body was found over a week before the Petito’s filed a missing person’s report. The Laundries knew EXACTLY what happened to Gabby and where she was. It makes me absolutely sick. The Laundries clearly did not misunderstand the word, “gone”. They knew “gone” meant dead.


How could the officers not even have an inkling that something was wrong. This is exactly where it all went incredibly bad. Bless her family and may she RIP gently! ❤️💕💙💌


The Laundries need to be charged and receive prison time. I have grown children, but no way would i protect them if i knew they murdered someone. This is sickening what they did to Gabby's parents and even more disgusting trying to play on words.


My ex-husband could put out the same charm that Brian has when talking to the police. My ex strangled me at least five times. I did not discuss it in divorce court because I suspect that my own lawyer did not even believe it. My ex was very impressive when others were around. For some men, the demon only comes out if you are alone with them.


I hope the Laundrie family is held responsible for not reporting what they knew. Continuing prayers for the Petito family. 🙏 (Jane)


I feel so bad for Gabby’s family. RIP ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


If my son did this I would be so appalled and horrified there ain’t no way I’d be covering for him.


His parents need to be held accountable for knowing about Gabby


Watching this bodycam footage again just makes my skin crawl.. it’s so heartbreaking, she had bruises and nothing was done. Narcissistic abuse pushed her to “react” and poor thing is so confused thinking it’s her fault


Now we know where Brian got his EVIL brain his EVIL parents. To let Gabby's parents SUFFER, NOT KNOWING WHERE SHE WAS, and being LIED to is just plain EVILNESS!!!! They even partied in a camping They MUST be held accountable!!!!


That officer was an abuser, saw his ex wife as an aggressor, and shared that information. Such a shame. Prayers continue to the Petito-Schmidt’s


My heart breaks & my tears flow everytime I see this video of sweet Gabby. I, unfortunately, know exactly how she was feeling & why she felt the need to apologize to that abuser/murderer. Abuse victims tend to apologize for the beatings & verbal abuse they receive. Victims are made to feel & believe its their fault & in some sick & twisted way they deserved it. Thankfully I was able to get away before I ended up like Gabby, but barely. I truly hope justice, in whatever form it comes in, is given to Gabby & her parents. Unfortunately, Brian was too cowardly to face accountability for his actions & his despicable, disgusting parents protected him from that. Hopefully Gabbys parents will be able to get Justice served by continuing to expose their heinous lies & cover ups, & making them be held accountable through the courts, as well as their attorney Bertilino.


I hope that video is shown to every cop in training for DV… no contact should be mandatory during any dispute.


An abused gal just by what she says about taking blame for his actions.
