Rasa Pauzaite: 5 Tips For Successful Double Spins in Salsa

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Rasa Pauzaite - 5 Tips For Successful Double Spins in Salsa

Rasa's Top 5 Tips was launched with a video on how to achieve success in spinning for salsa and bachata. So far, this has proved to be one of my most successful tips videos yet, and I have been delighted to receive such a positive reaction. With this in mind, I have taken the next step to help you to continue developing your spinning technique.

This video focuses on the technique required for a double spin and how you can improve and practise your technique before taking to the social dance floor. I hope you find it useful - please let me know in the comments what you think!

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1:38 Tip 1: Get Comfortable with 1 Spins
2:48 Tip 2: Momentum (Use Your Core)
5:03 Tip 3: Arms (Bring them in - for Speed)
6:36 Tip 4: Control (How to stop - using your hips)
8:56 Tip 5: Eliminate Fear - go for it!

** Tip 4 - very powerful tip - stopping BEFORE you actually want to stop - (because stopping your body - like stopping your car - takes time - you need to hit the brakes BEFORE you actually want to stop!)

** Tip 1
When I started learning to spin - I found it VERY hard to do even one full spin. The unlock for me was to practice 1/4 and 1/2 spins (like I do in the tutorials on my channel).
I think most of us want to do the double spin - and think there's a DIFFERENT technique to do them - but in my opinion - IT IS THE SAME TECHNIQUE - and the same 3 fundamentals apply (check my channel to see what are the 3 Fundamentals)

💪 Challenge example: try to do 1/4 or 1/2 spin (whatever technique you want) and try to finish the spin with your leg UP - NOT TOUCHING the floor - and check if this easy for you - if it's not easy for you - it is a very good exercise for you to work on your stability while doing only 1/4 1/2 or 3/4 spin (In my opinion this is a very effective drill that can help you with all spins you do- including DOUBLE SPINS)

Reply to this comment after trying the exercise.
and remember (like in tip 5) practice isn't the thing you do once you are good...practice is the only thing that makes you good (So Eliminate the fear! and keep practicing!)


Thank you very mucha Rasa, since yesterday I have seen ten of your videos, they are very helpfully. I love them, thanks for your help you are a great teacher. Greetings from Bolivia 🇧🇴


Lovely explained. Very good tips. I like so much how you talk, pedagogical and very easy understand. Thank you


I have been having difficulty with spinning. Videos I have watched from ohters didn't explain why you do certain things. But you explained this very well and helped me a lot. I also love how you explain things so kindly. Thank you Rasa!


This is the BEST double spinning video! Thank you so much!


Thank u so much for these tips i ll try these...i must say u have beautiful heart to...❤


One of the best dance videos on YouTube!!🙌


I love the way you speak and teach. Thank you for your advice.


Thanks for all your help and tips…it’s all extremely helpful!


Thank you Rasa. Beautiful and talented!! I'm practicing your tips...Please keep uploading more videos!!!! Regards from Chile.


The idea of driving yourself into the ground during the spin was super helpful! Thank you


Awesome thorough instructions. Thank you.


Thanks so much to share it, Rasa, it is really so helpful for me, and I like your channel, I wish you all the best! 🌹


Delightful and informative. Thank you.


Another great video Rasa, I’ve practiced the spinning techniques and they’ve worked a treat . I’ll look forward to a styling video as mine could use some work 😊.


Muchas gracias por todos los consejos 🙏


Thank you, Rasa 😘😘 this is super useful! I'm practicing your techniques now :D


Great tips!! And yes please make a video about styling the spins 💃😊


Hi Rasa! Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge! Could you do a video for double spin for men in bachata?


Thank you so much Rasa your videos are so informative (and funny too!). Do you have any tips on how to follow well when it comes to spins in socials? I find it a lot easier to keep them controlled by myself but sometimes I feel like I feel the signal for the second turn late so it’s not as “neat”. Hopefully that makes sense 😅 Thank you again!
