TMNT 2003 vs TMNT 2012! Which Turtles Show is Better?

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TMNT 2003 and TMNT 2012 are the two most similar Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shows, and today I'm going to determine which TMNT show is better: 2003 or 2012! Tell me which TMNT show you prefer in the comments below, and leave a like if you enjoyed!


TMNT 2003 Theme Guitar Cover (by Niall Stenson)
TMNT 2K3 OST - Sewers
TMNT 2K3 OST - Rooftops
TMNT 2K3 OST - Air
TMNT 2K3 OST - Japanese Garden
TMNT 2K3 OST - Credits
TMNT 2003 SNES Remix
TMNT 2K3 OST - Streets
TMNT 2K3 OST - Credits (rpt.)
1:31 - PLOT
4:17 - RAPHAEL
8:42 - APRIL
9:45 - CASEY
12:08 - THEME - Animation
12:44 - THEME - Lyrics
13:20 - THEME - Music
13:54 - ANIMATION - 2D vs 3D
14:39 - ANIMATION - Character Design
15:15 - ANIMATION - Fluidity & Movement

#TMNT #Versus #Comparison #TMNT2003 #TMNT2012 #TMNT2003vs2012 #AskAir #MrAskAir

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I legitimately grew up with both shows!!
To be honest, looking back 03 version did literally have us a lot of great aggressive attitude with cool action scenes, the humor of each turtle’s character still shows how they really interact with their personalities mix with unique comedy just like 2012 version but different. Plus the 03 April and pirai was my big childhood crush 😍❤️still to this day.


I’ll say this. Whether or not you like 2012 or 2003, it’s amazing that these two versions of the show created a massive part of the Tmnt community. I grew up with 2012 but later checked out 2003 and liked it as much.


The fact we never got A official crossover between these two is A real tragic.


2003 is GOATED! The whole, “They don’t act like real teenagers”, argument is so annoying to me. No matter what, 2003 TMNT will always rule! 💪🏽


I personally enjoy both 2D and 3D animation styles, i as a kid loved the first season of TMNT 2012, lighter tone and a much lesser dark theme however it does not beat TMNT 2003 and yes ! Would love to see 2012 TMNT downfall


I think 2012 Leo is better... he actually act like a teen, and does get serious when he has to. I’m 17, I grew up with 2003 version, started watching 2012, honestly like it better, I really love the brotherly relationship, that’s what I wanna see in Teenage mutant turtles.


i agree with most of your points
i am not a huge fan of April 2012, to me they boost her way too much to the point that i think that she became way to powerful for the turtles. which made a lot of scenes that she was in after the 4th season feel pointless at least in my opinion.
and The 2012 Cassy is the worst by far April and Donnie would be much better without him cuz he created the stupid love triangle.
however 2012 Donnie besides the Love triangle was very charming.
and 2012 Mikey was Adorable.
however i still think 2003 is better even if Karai was maybe annoying in there but i still think it did a lot of things better then 2012 that being said 2012 version is still a great show.


I grew up with the 2012 series and that is what made me a turtles freak. I say the 2012 show has better background art on merchandise. I liked the 2003 series as well, because I was born in 2004. But anyways I liked both series. Doesn't matter which one is great.


I'm not one who heavily relies on nostalgia. It is not unfair to compare something new to its predecessor and see how it holds up. Current trends on a variety of media shows that more people are viewing older forms of entertainment. New media is failing to capture the attention of audiences as there is clearly a creativity crisis occuring. More people are even listening to music that is at least 5 years old, and also older (according to what can be found immediately from a google search, exactly how many or how old the music is, I'm not sure, but it's clear that this is a growing trend).
Look at Disney and how it still is relying on its older IP's and IP's it bought nearly a decade or 2 back. Star Wars especially as so much of the latest series tends to heavily rely on the OT or aspects of it, lacking any originality that can separate it from the Era of the Empire, as flawed as the Prequel era was, you knew at least it was a different time with a distinct identity of its own. I watch The mandalorian all I see is post apocalyptic galaxy struggling to get itself together, still with the Empire (remnants of it at least) being the big bad guy. In other words, major media companies whether from the music industry, gaming industry etc, are relying on older IP's and franchises, and people are even looking back to these older forms of content. This isn't a good sign when even streaming services are churning out channels dedicated to people nostalgic for 90s content. We're in a cultural stagnation, although much of what we've known as "culture" has been artificially made by mainstream corporations. That aside, new things just aren't capable of living up to the quality of entertainment that can make them as recognizable on a massive scale like older franchises such as Indiana Jones, Star Wars, yes even TMNT. Sure you can say x series/current growing film trilogy is good, but it's more than likely going to be restricted to a certain amount of people while eventually being forgotten about by the majority of people, there are going to be thinfs about a newly released media that legitimately doesn't hold up or may cause people to dislike it. Older media had brilliant writers working on them, yet these people are old and retiring from their industries, the younger generations aren't up to the same caliber as their predecessors. The best way to describe the current situation is like every newly made film and series being a teen novel, held up as good by their own dedicated fan base yet never actually achieving a societal level of success.


You forgot to mention 2003 shredder is an utrom who created genocide on different galaxies


i will say i liked 2012 raph alot more

yeah he and micky bicker alot but to me that makes their relationship as brothers feel more realistic and in contrast to raph almost killing mikey rin 2003 raph in 2012 may get annoyed and even lose his temper as his brothers but its obvious he cares deeply for them whenever one of them gets hurt or injured he is shown to be very concerned and loving and its almost a complete 180 for his character i really like this as it makes him more relatable intresting and gives him more depth


How come they don’t have the tmnt 2003 series on vudu?


I mostly grew up with the 2003 version of TMNT and I always loved that series more than any of the other version. But, I did start watching the 2012 series with the whole new redesign and animation quality. It was okay for the most part and it did tone the seriousness of the 2003 version. But, my favorite is always the 2003 and then the 2012.


I strongly disagree. You make a lot of good points. With the plot I can't disagree. I haven't past season 2, but those plots do sound amazing. One thing you didn't mention which I feel was really important when it comes to Leo is the bond the four brothers have. In the 2003 show the brothers feel like coworkers instead of brothers. In 2012 it was like a constant avengers trying to pull up mjnior scene where we feel how the character's feel about each other from their banter. Their banter could kept me engaged and made the turtles feel just so real and relatable, were as most of the turtles talking in the 2003 series was boring, and the turtles felt a lot more two dimensional. I could never engage with 2012 Leo because he was always the leader and I felt that we never got to see other parts of his personality or that often. 2012 Leo is a teenage boy who admires the cartoon hero he grew up with and tries to be like him, a kid thrust into responsibility, a loving warrior and a bad ass. 2012 Leo feels like an actual real life person just like most of the character's in 2012. Also I disagree that Leo and Karai being siblings makes their feel less meaningful. Yes, them being romantic is weird but as friends or siblings I think their amazing. Which ones better comes down to personal preference but leaving a lot of this stuff out is a disservice to 2012 Leo in my opinion.
I also disagree on Raph and Shredder but I think it's mostly just personal preference and not much for me to complain about. I do however agree with what you said about Casey. While i actually like 2012 Casey, 2003 Casey beats him by far for the reasons you've listed. I disagree with the villain thing too, as 2012 had some great villian aside from the main ones, Tiger Claw, zever, Bradford, Bebop, Rocksteady, Lord Dredd, The Rat king, Armaggon, Kavaxas, the newtralizer and the triceritons.
I don't disagree with anything on the theme songs except that it should be given that much stuff on it. while a theme song serves a very important purpose it in my opinion isn't as important as character or plot and think there should've been a better tone, or finale's or i don't know something else instead. I agree with the 2d vs 3d thing as I can see your point about it being a lot more creative. I do prefer the 2012 look but your point also feels fair. I like the designs for the turtles equally as they are two different things one is a bunch of tough strong heroes who can be intimidating. whereas the 2012 show never tries to make them intimidating instead a bunch of teenage ninja's. though what wins me over on design for the 2012 is of the other mutants they make nearly every mutant look seriously messed up which they should since their mutants. it just works for me.


I feel like this video was very unfair torwards 2012 and really biased torwards 2003 show. Most of your tmnt videos is you talking about the 2003 show so I can see the bias and favoritism coming from there and that you mostly grew up with one show, another YouTuber who did a TMNT show comparison mentioned how Nostalgia and Bias is something you gotta watch out for when making these types of videos and I feel like you might've fallen in that.

This is a little noticeable in the theme song section but it's very clear in the characters section when you talk about Shredder, Leo and Raph. They are extremely well written but you make them come off as bland and one note characters which is FAR from the truth. 2003 does have great and badass characters but the writing and characters are so great in 2012, you acknowledge it a lot in 2003 but barely even touch it 2012, in the end leading to an easy score for 2003 cause you took some of the best things about 2012 for granted so 2003 gets points. Also there's a couple of things you got wrong with 2012 too regarding Mikey and Donnie.

I could go on but you probably get the point by now. This was an unfair comparison and mostly biased torwards 2003, I'm not frustrated that you chose 2003 to be the winner, I'm frustrated with how it won.

Despite the favoritism and bias this was still a good attempt at making a comparison video, please continue working on these types of videos and keep working hard. Cause I can see a lot of potential in them.


2012 ruined hun, we always wanted the big badass musclehead as a villain


Personally I prefer the 2012 Turtles over the 2003 Turtles. I feel like the 2003 Turtles take themselves way too goddamn seriously to a point where it is honestly just distracting. The designs and personalities of the 2003 Turtles don't really feel like teenagers to me they feel like adults whereas the 2012 Turtles they're smaller and they all act like teenagers you have little things like them playing games with each other during training playing video games and watching cartoons together and they actually feel like brothers in the 2012 series.

The 2003 series to me they never really felt like brothers they felt like four assholes that were just on a team together. Also personally I feel like Michelangelo and Donatello being the weaker Turtles actually make sense for their characters Michelangelo rarely takes anything seriously and Donatello focuses more on his gadgets and Technology whereas Leo and wrath are Rivals physically that keep pushing each other to do better in their training also I like the fact that the 2012 series actually has them speaking Japanese which is kind of important considering splinter is Japanese and so are ninja



I kinda like 2012 Leo more, he feels closer to his brothers to me

Raphael goes to 2003 I find his character better

Donnie goes to I can’t choose I like both equally

Mikey goes to 2003 it’s what made him my favorite turtle

The splinters are even to me

Shred head 03 is scarier and is just cooler

April 2003 I never liked 2012s version that much

Casey 03 would beat down 2012 and does character wise

The Krang 2012

Karai uh even I guess I kinda dislike both

Stockman 03 his story amazing

Bishop 03, 2012 was prettt boring

I personally like 03s theme song better

I actually like the 2012 designs better


In my opinion Character score:
2003 scores for
Baxter Stockman
and Karai
2012 scores for
Savanti Ramaro
Rat King
and Shredder
Neither show scores for
Splinter or Utroms because I would say there is a draw


I do agree with some of your opinions about both shows, but they are some other things I disagree 👎 with. I borderlined hated the 4Kids version of Leonardo, because of his character being a self-righteous, brown noised asshole, too similar to X-Men 92 Cyclops. The CGI Nicktoon version of Leo was more reliable, and got much better when Seth Green started voicing him. 2003 Raphael's voice is way too deep for a character who's supposed to be a teenager. 2003 Michaelangelo is way too annoying & smug. I prefer the 2012 Turtles design, because I like the characters having more unique looks for each character. I like 2003 April O'Neal more, because I prefer her being an adult, and also having her classic comics origins. I like 2003 Shredder's voice and civilian design, but prefer him being human and having 2012 backstory & becoming Super-Shredder.
