You are at War... Good versus Evil and you have slept long ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

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You are at War... Good versus Evil and you have slept long

Rhema March 13, 2022

(Jesus) “Stand firm and see the glory of the Lord. Have I ever let My Faithful ones down? In all of history, it is only the unfaithful that have been subjected to the discipline of the Lord. In your nation you have fought valiantly for what is right. But the devil has had years to build strongholds of evil, webs and networks of evil going back to the previous century. Now these things have come to fruition, but My generals and faithful armies have woken up and stirred the flame of righteousness in their hearts. They are making sacrifices, fasting, praying, even offering their sicknesses and their trials up faithfully, to see their situation totally cleansed and turned around

"A great awakening is taking place in My People. They are turning from their superficial ways and seeking My face like never before. Shall I spurn them? Or come to their rescue? Indeed, many of you have suffered persecutions for your faith, and you are standing tall, praying, fasting, and offering sacrifices. Shall I not reward you with a new land, new beginnings, and a fresh new start? Yes, there is much refuse to clean up, and it will not be pretty or happen overnight, but those who have risen to pray and offer their lives to resurrect the good in this country, which was intended to be the Land of the Free, those have indeed risen and taken up positions around your president, on their knees. Shall I not reward them?

"Yes, you are in a war, good against evil, and when you were asleep the enemy came and sowed tares in the field, which grew together with the good wheat. But now I am putting the sickle to the harvest, and I will indeed separate the bad from those who stand for what is right. I only ask that you continue to be the praying army that will conquer the evil in your midst.

"Those who do not know the truth, and they are many, must come to recognize who they have elected, what they stood for and what goes on in the dungeons below their fine mansions. They must come to grips with the unthinkable and recognize the masquerade of the characters who look upstanding and honest. Many, many of My people have fallen short in discernment and do not understand the true nature of others. They have judged by their appearance and demeanor, which seems respectable. They have not seen behind the facade that covers the evil within; they have not looked at the candidates, to see what they voted for, which is where the rubber meets the road.

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