Teaching August Wilson: A Pedagogy of Self-Determination

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Presented on February 22, 2023, this virtual panel celebrates the life and work of August Wilson and the importance of teaching his writings. This panel launches a deeper collaborative relationship in which CUE will lead a series of workshops with educators about how to develop curriculum and pedagogy that center the August Wilson archive. In addition, the panel invites educators across contexts to a conversation about fostering creative and inventive teaching designs.

- Justin Emeka, Associate Professor, Oberlin College, and Resident Director, Pittsburgh Public Theater
- Khalid Y. Long, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia Department of Theatre and Film Studies and the Institute for African American Studies
- Shaun Myers, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh Department of English

- Ari Brazier, CUE Postdoctoral Fellow
- Robert Randolph, Writing Center Director, North Carolina A&T State University

- August Wilson African American Cultural Center
- University of Pittsburgh Library System
- Kinloch Commons for Critical Pedagogy and Leadership
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