Fix: DbContext not found in scaffolding Identity Dropdownlist ASP.NET CORE
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In this video, I am going to show you, how to fix following problem i.e.
When you scaffold Identity in your Web Project then most of the time you got DbContext file was not found so this video contains what is the problem behind this.
There are two problems
1. Your DbContext file is inherited with IdentityDbContext i.e. include in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityframeworkCore
2. Your Identity scafolder must have reference of your DbContext Project.
When you scaffold Identity in your Web Project then most of the time you got DbContext file was not found so this video contains what is the problem behind this.
There are two problems
1. Your DbContext file is inherited with IdentityDbContext i.e. include in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityframeworkCore
2. Your Identity scafolder must have reference of your DbContext Project.
Fix: DbContext not found in scaffolding Identity Dropdownlist ASP.NET CORE
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