Prager U Kids is INSANELY RACIST | Hasanabi reacts

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Prager U Kids is INSANELY RACIST | Hasanabi reacts

Hasanabi (AKA Hasan Piker) is an American Twitch streamer and political commentator. He is known for covering the news and discussing politics from a left-wing perspective. He also plays a variety of video games, reacts to funny videos and occasionally checks out memes made by the community.

#hasanabi #hasanpiker
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If black children are old enough to experience racism, white children are old enough to learn about it.


I love that Florida passed a law banning political ideology being taught in public schools, then they greenlight this.


They have Columbus saying "caramba." Columbus was Italian, you goobers, not Spanish.


As a Canadian, it's so funny when Americans think their version of patriotism extends everywhere. Hanging the Canadian flag in your window up here is something that would get you mocked and belittled.

Also as a Canadian, the lie that somebody needed to wait 5.5 months for a life saving surgery pisses me off. That's the kind of thing that should make you lose your channel.


"The quality of care is among the highest in the world." America's healthcare doesn't even rank in the top 10 for best quality healthcare. Praeger U just flatout spinning lies that a simple google search debunks.


Dang, didn't know I could instantly see any doctor in the US. No, wait, after calling every ear specialist in the state of New Jersey and verifying who accepted our health insurance, my family member with stage 4 cancer and a rapidly worsening ear infection had to wait 2 months before being seen, but by then it was already too late. This misinformation from Prager is absolutely infuriating - as infuriating as our messed up healthcare system.


I live in Japan for college, the concept that "you have to wait months for an appointment" is insane. I hurt my leg and dropped in to a doctor without an appointment to get it checked out. Not only did it take less than 10 minutes of waiting, after an ultrasound and xray, procedures that would cost hundreds of dollars in America, it totaled to about $20.


As a Canadian it’s just awful being able to go to the hospital, getting treated and not getting a huge bill after, shit man we had a baby and didn’t even get a bill, it’s horrendous.


There's nothing wrong with feeling bad, despite not directly committing the injustice. Its call empathy. Not that conservatives know what that is.


"Drags are indoctrinating our kids" yeah totally not you, right?


Prager U Kids should be taught in schools. To teach kids what propaganda looks like.


"False claims"
The FUCK?! It was MURDER!!


I could careless about drag storytime. THIS is the indoctrination of children that is dangerous and angers me.


As a Latino born and raised in Los Angeles County to Mexican immigrants, I can guarantee “Mateo” would most certainly not have any love or loyalty for the police. If he’s anything like me, that fairytale positive view of them likely died once he hit adulthood. I thought the cops were the good guys who’d have my back in an emergency too at one point. That all ended after I had nothing but horrible experiences with them despite me trying my best to be as nice and respectful as possible. They never failed to profile me as a potentially dangerous gang banger or drug dealer.

On my very first time being pulled over at the age of 20, the cop was convinced that I had either drugs or firearms in my car because I was “acting nervous”. I politely said “yeah I am nervous… I’ve never been pulled over before, I don’t know how I’m supposed to act.” After running my name I expected her to say something like “oh you’re right this is your first traffic stop” or show any compassion whatsoever but no. And that specific interaction wasn’t the exception. Despite going out of my way to come across as normal/nice/calm/respectful my experiences with police are always like that.


i love the idea of a child sacrificing everything he loves for his father to get his life saved but billionaires can’t sacrifice 10% of their wealth to provide better health care funding.


As a neurologist in Appalachia; this shit about how bad healthcare in Canada is driving me nuts. There are so few doctors here I am overworked!!! And they wanna teach this sh*%& to kids?!!


"Geroge Floyd, a black man who resisted arrest, died while in custody."

Every single goddamn word in that sentence is a denial of reality 💀


This is so disgusting. Somehow "conservatives" keep lowering the bar.


“Hey parents, shield your kids from racism or anything bad; therefore, shouldn’t learn from history, we should just forget it ever happened!”


As someone who learned English by watching YouTube, I just came to the horrifying realization that there is at least one person out there whose only understanding of the US comes from PragerU
